Tree of Savior Forum

Ichoring overload

this ichoring

it took me so long to make this OVERLOAD ICHORS and it is so hard to turn it into ichor what’s up with this dumb game? (and yet I’m still playing lol) it took me so long to farm for my fixed ichor and now will take time again to farm silver to get golden ichor.

the % of succeeding is stupid DEVS should do something about this took me how many hours just to farm silvers in CM and now its gone within minutes buying those dumb gold ichor in market that is so expensive.

each ichor cost me 10-20 golden extraction kit

they should make something like once you used 10 golden extraction kit there will be 100% to extract that ichor

You should just quit the game, you are clearly an unlucky individual
You won’t find much pleasure here
Ichoring is easy for most people at this point

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Extraction rate is 10% now with golden ichor kits being 1M and readily available from events and such. You should’ve been here in 2019 when it was 5% and golden ichors didn’t exist and then when they did they were 10-20M each.

You’ve got it good my guy. :prince:

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ok lmao ty kawaii chinchin

so much gamble in this game, but i got all my overload ichor without using golden ichor


The fact that ichoring is RNG is so pointless. The process of obtaining the equipment / random stats you want should be all the rng bullshit you should have to put up with.


[Re:build] 100% Ichor kit is a thing according to database.

Ktests give these :distinguished:

They totally have the capability to do so.

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whoaa you so lucky all my over load takes 10 golden extract

It’s just their way to sell something else out of the cash shop.

Ever since they buffed Legend gear so much, no one bothers to use unique "“as is” anymore, meaning, no enhancing or transing it.

Should have just made Vaivora and other future equipment from other content be ichors directly, but yet they made Vaivora Level 4 where you have to ichor them all over again.

This is superstitious but you can try to rename your team name. I feel much better luck with new name :grin:

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I heard that ILoveKimHakkyu has a good RNG seed.


I’ve found an easy fix for this problem: I bought the ichors directly from the market. For 120mil a piece, that was an easy choice, considering you already need 50mil worth of dark red fragments/pieces and 80mil worth of arch stone fragment + the cost and the mats of crafting the stupid Arquenium…

Tbh, ichor extraction is the least rng thing I even bother to complain in this game. Still better than anvil system.

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