Tree of Savior Forum

IceWall Freeze Question

Now I know that Icewall can freeze enemies when u cast it. beside them or through them.

But can anyone explain how Icewall freeze really works?
lets say u cast an icewall right straight to a single monster/player will they get frozen through the whole duration of icewall?

or is it like a per/sec thick of chances to refreeze them again that gives them a chance to run away after the first freeze of icewall?

thank you guys.

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yea i get all the combos and stuff u can do with the icewall…

im just really curious about its mechanics on freezing monster/player when its casted through or beside them.

I think you’re right in that its freeze by set chance per tick/second. Meaning skill level wouldn’t effect Ice Wall’s freeze rate. Doesn’t seem to freeze on contact either. Someone more knowledgable should clarify all this though.

Its a little dated. Skip to to 8:55

also look at this does the stone curse makes monsters invulnerable.

Small thing, that’s not electrocute, it’s psychic pressure.

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lol they may as well be. Notice how when the person uses quick cast it jumps from 1 to 255? Looks like a very large bonus instead of a solid % reduction. Not really sure though.

now im really having doubts on my skill build for ele. having Stone curse LVLed up for the sole purpose of SC>FC>Meteor combo. :x:
or maybe it was jst broken back then.
im really confuse wit this skills as the tooltip dosnt say anything about it.

You can see in the upper lefthand corner exactly when he uses Quick Cast after casting frost cloud. Regardless you’re correct in that stone curse isn’t very useful. Not even as a panic button.

oh right…
but oh man im so disapointed. so much trashskills