Tree of Savior Forum

IceMage[Feedback please]

Sure Spell for the Ice Wall and Frost Pillar cast (Ice Wall can be a pain in the ass to fire off), Sleep because it’s good CC, 1 rank specifically on Energy Bolt because the attribute lets it hit hard against sleeping targets (used in between cooldowns), Magic Missile because it’s hilarious, dumping the rest of those points into Lethargy because Lethargy.

Warlock is for the nukes, I’m not concerned with the shield so I took invocation instead, Evil Sacrifice seems like a slow cast (based on the video provided).

Quick Cast: you’re right, I’d take 5 off Lethargy for that.

Edit: only 1 point in Frost pillar because every point after level 1 only tacks on 1 second to the lasting duration, not much too it. But I wouldn’t mind trading Snow Rolling for max Frost Pillar

He probably want to kill mobs with flu.

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energy bolt deals no damage with or without that attribute its a super weak spell wich nobody uses…and casting one skill to make a super weak skill stronger ehm…wut? besides that alot enemies got lv 1 status resist later on good luck with that

the build you posted is super mega weak in terms of damage and you believe that you would deal “a ton” by doing this or that - no you wont! you needa use energy bolt about 200 times to compare to a gravity pole damage xD for example

Being serious now,

Having Cryomancer C3 is good for CC, but you should have something for damage.

Having Psycho C1 goes well, 'cause chards damage are based on your MATK.
Having Sorcerer and/or Warlock are good choices too.

I would go Cryo C3+Sorcerer C2+Warlock, but of course, it’s my playstyle.

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Frost Pillars pulls the mobs and you want it for tanking whole room and free agro for yourself and party. Plus it can’t be blocked by PD in PvP.

[quote=“NotSoAccurateNo1, post:21, topic:163905, full:true”]1 rank specifically on Energy Bolt because the attribute lets it hit hard against sleeping targets (used in between cooldowns)
You want a build where you don’t have to use EB past rank 5.

[quote=“NotSoAccurateNo1, post:21, topic:163905, full:true”]Magic Missile because it’s hilarious
MM is just good enough to get you through till you get decent nukes from other classes. It doesn’t one shot mobs at higher levels.

Your whole build concept is from perspective of someone playing at low levels and solo only.

someone playing at mid levels, soloing dungeons?

I value your opinion on everything I’m presenting, but you’re shitting all over my build man.

Getting through mid levels will take 2 weeks for casual player. Then what?

You should be glad you are getting some criticism, so you get to think it over before actually investing time in it. Besides other people are telling you the same thing. Think about that and the reason before accusing someone. Everything is in good faith, otherwise I wouldn’t waste my time posting.

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You’re right, I’m basing everything on the build off of what damage looks like now. Ice Pike and Gust have the potential to one-shot everything right now and (because they can multi-hit) they do a considerable amount of damage to bosses, as does Ice Wall.

I went back and looked at the video again for Evil Sacrifice, thought it was a slow cast but it’s just the demonstrator taking the whole channel bar for no reason. Dark Theurge just doesn’t look like it does all that much damage (unless it can splash)(again, the demonstration video could be better but we’re not in charge of that). Mastema just seems infinitely better.

It could be better if I could hold onto my skill points until later tiers are opened… or can I? Hmmmmm…

I am assuming I have to spend each tiers 15 skill points before I can advance. That’s how Ragnarok Online played it anyways, even after a kill reset, you have to reinvest your skills in the lower tier until you used up all the skills points earned in that tier.

I suppose I’ll just test it out. Doesn’t take long to get past Wizard1.

[quote=“NotSoAccurateNo1, post:28, topic:163905, full:true”]Dark Theurge just doesn’t look like it does all that much damage (unless it can splash)(again, the demonstration video could be better but we’re not in charge of that). Mastema just seems infinitely better.

The video is outdated. DT was buffed and is a heavy multihit skill right now.

[quote=“NotSoAccurateNo1, post:28, topic:163905, full:true”]Mastema just seems infinitely better.

Mastema hits just once and has no overhit. The CD is also not so great. It’s more of a filler skill. Some people skip it completely in their builds.

Dang, I’ll have to keep that in mind when looking at everything else.

Painful Edit: Annnnnd I just deleted my pet instead of swapping it to a new owner. Damn I’m good.

I have saved 15 points from Wiz c1-2 and spent it all on MM/SP/QC the moment I finished Wiz c3 advancement quest. You just can’t use saved point across other types of classes. For example when going Wiz 1 > Cryo.

I was hoping that was the case. That makes reskilling a lot friendlier.

Well then, let me revise my build.

I’ll be coming up with a different build as well. Because Pyromancer (and my original wanted mix).
Here’s what I wanted originally:

Seriously man,

It’s your build, no one here’ll play the game for you. That means you should do what you like.

On ICBT2 Highlander C3 was crap, everyone told me to go Hoplite, but I dislike spear, I did what I wanted to. In the end, I realized that Highlander C3 was really weaker at that point. But that was my decision, something that I concluded myself. I ended up liking my playthrough even if my build was crap.

And even if you ended up hating your char, this time you have team exp bonus, so you’ll level faster next characters.

so if that is the case then, is this build have a worth? wiz>cryo>psycho>element>cryoC2>cryoC3>elementC2

Is this newly updated? I just wanna ask and verify this because some people say the damage output for Icewall+Psychic Pressure Combo depends on Psychic Pressure???

so does this build has its worth?

Don’t know if it’s new or not, but every report I receive about this tells the same. That the shards damage are based on your Matk.

This actually makes sense that damage is not based on PP level. Since you can attack it with your dagger to produce shards. Even your party mates can, and they probably don’t have PP.

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makes sense :slight_smile:

so, maybe my path on building wiz>cryo>kino>element>cryoC2>cryoC3>elementC2 is good by then?
i choose to get element class because of the Electrocute Skill hehe…it synergize the damage of ice and lightning especially if the enemy is frozen

Your build is not bad, really, that is the most used path for RC’s on kToS apparently.

The problem is you will suffer to use it and it will only get awesome if there are good Ice skills on rank 8+ classes. Should be a beast for PvP though.

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