Tree of Savior Forum

Ice witch -- what to choose for r10?

Build is wiz2-cryo3-ele3-rc. This is a really cheap build that does awesome damage for a build that doesn’t include any r7 or r8 class. Now for rank 10 I don’t see what to choose that would really benefit the build. There are many possibilities, of course, but I don’t see any that would shine here…

  1. Wiz3: Quick Cast (currently having the partial version from RC attribute) + better MM/Earthquake – feels like a wasted circle, even with the fast casting on runes and skills like Electrocute

  2. Thauma1: Swell Left Arm for a (very) small MATK boost (build is full INT with zero investment in SPR since it’s not SP hungry) + Transpose (huge INT pool, very low CON) – feels even more like a wasted circle when you have spare points you throw in skills you almost never use

  3. Sorc1: Summoning (Froster Lord of course!) – wouldn’t the summon be pathetically weak in a build with no SPR?

  4. Anything else that I didn’t skill elsewhere on a Wizard for more Growth points (FF? Shadowmancer? Sage?)

Of course, I could always reset the character and change it into a full SPR ice summoner, keeping cryo3 and trashing ele3 for sorc2/onmyo2, but I already have an onmyoji…

Kino1: Ice Wall+PP combo.

i’d drop Ele2, letting it at 1 only for Hail and go Onmy3 for Water Shiki

Personal preference :prince:

Why not… but isn’t kino1 underwhelming otherwise? Basically you choose Kino for just one skill…

Ice summoner could be wiz1-cryo3-sorc2-rc-onmyo3 too. You just get 50s out of 200s without surespell effect while your RoP is on cooldown.

Yes, but it’s the strongest Ice damage in the game. As an ice themed mage, I think you should have it.

Still, my choice would be Wiz3. Quick cast is too good to pass out. Also, you get extra levels on MM and Sleep (combo with Rune of Destruction).

I went with the psycho ice witch (Cryo3 Kino3 Ench3). It’s not as bad as I thought it would be. I’m dealing 60k dmg per tick with Gravity Pole on Frost Pillar to the DG330 boss and I’m still using an old Skull Smasher. I wish Enchant Lightning could change Heavy Gravity element type to lightning too. :sad:


Is this build decent? I was thinking of making this but an skeptical of its endgame viability.

Made some tests with wiz2-cryo3-ele2-sorc2-rc using Froster Lord as summon. Downgrading ele from c3 to c2 doesn’t seem to be that bad (since c3 only provides Meteor which I don’t use – just losing damage from Electrocute being only at 10 now and Storm Dust at 5), but to use the summon effectively I had to change the build to 1:1 INT/SPR (basically it’s now 50 CON, 200 SPR, rest in INT). Froster Lord’s third magic attack is devastating if landed properly, and you can use it whenever your other skills are on cooldown. UNfortunately the reset event ends tomorrow, so I won’t have time to test it further. I hope I didn’t screw up my build :confused: