Tree of Savior Forum

I will rage if tonights patch doesn have

I will rage so hard if tonights patch doesn’t have the team storage changes that were promised to be coming 2 weeks ago or so. I’d like to be able to actually use team storage without beign so heavily penalized for it like we currently are. The changes will most likely be that trade useage will be removed and potental loss will also be removed from using team storage. Which honestly it how it should have been from the start.

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U can rage now… No point wasting time when u alrdy know the truth… :joy::joy::joy::joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They already implemented it in ktos last week:

  1. Team Storage functions will be changed:
    • Token’s Trade count will no longer be deducted when placing items inside the Team Storage.
    • In addition to this, the potential will not be deducted either, the same applies to consumable / material type items.
    • 거래불가로 귀속된 재료 아이템이 이동되지 않도록 변경됩니다.
    • The requirement for being a Token user in order to access the function has not changed.

Probably we will get it before F2P.

Rage all you want lol, they did promise us but they didn’t even mention a fix date.


I will rage if tonight’s patch doesn’t have anything loli


I hope it’s sooner rather then later… I xfered talt… Between characters… and ended up blowing all my trades without even knowing it counted every talt in a stack as an individual item… I was sad… Still a little sad… Trying to give a friend a Aias recipe and I can’t till I blow 300k on a token. :cry: And that’s money that should be going to rerolling more talt.

will we even get a patch today??

I already raged when there are no loli characters and bikini costumes in TP shop.


Storage problem aside, they should also include a fix for the mighty Commander aswell! heck the queue system isn’t even like that before the maintenance last week!

Strange thing was, it miraculously worked after the 6AM reset yesterday. At least for the 50 dg.

Yay, no changes.

But at least they will be doing the team transfers, which is a big step and demans a lot of work :smiley:

EDIT : Julie updated the patch notes INCLUDING those changes! And even some more things :slight_smile:

Yeah I just saw the patch notes I am a very happy camper now. But I suspect arde daggers price is gonna jump since people only need 1 per account now.

I would say the opposite. Needing only one means less people (actually less characters) wanting to buy, so the price tends to go down over the long time. I myself was looking at two daggers, one for a monk and one for a psycho. :slight_smile:

Yea I was surprise when I open the patch notes for fun again.
The patch note is simply

Oh me god.


The patchnotes are quite nice.

Wow rager don’t get to rage…

I will rage next time when the patch note don’t give me anything I want.


there was never any promises u dumb loser.

they said they will maybe add it later but never at a specific time

Bring back Skyliner’s 0 cd pl0x

Still waiting for loli patch