Tree of Savior Forum

I was hoping for your help with build suggestions

Hello Wizards,

I’m going to be coming back to ToS, sometime in the near future after taking a couple months break. I was able to take advantage of the free circle and stat resets. So I have 4 Wizards now as blank slates. I was hoping for your help with build suggestions. I’m looking for a farming build (I really liked Shadowmancer before), a support build (like Cryo-Chrono-Enchanter providing CC and Buffs.), Only PvE DPS, and Possibly a Shop. I sadly have far less time to actively search for the builds like I normally would. So your help will greatly be appreciated.

Thanks from a fellow wizard,

  • Farmer: Linker2-Thaum3-Shadowmancer2 still works. If you want to use it for other pve stuff like the new raid, Linker2-Thaum3-Enchanter2 seems to be best as a dps/support/farmer, Enchant Lightning and Enchant Earth are nice support skills.
  • Support: Linker3-Chrono3-RC or Linker3-Thauma3-RC seems to be most wanted.
  • Dps: Wiz3-Ele3-Wl3 still top tier.
  • Shop: Wizards doesn’t really have the most popular shops in the game, but if you want a shop/utility character Alchemist and/or Enchanter is what you want. Scrolls with Enchant Fire and Flame Ground should be in high demand, making a character with Pyro1-X-Enchanter1 could be a good move (if you don’t already have this in another character).

Thanks for the response. I’ll give the Dps: Wiz3-Ele3-Wl3, and Support: Linker3-Chrono3-RC a try. I may just use the 4th mage as one to play around with.

Here is what I Found So far. (most if not all of these build were made by Valkoria on ToS Base, with links to the Tos.neet planners. These are not my own builds, and so I Can’t necessarily answer questions as to why something was picked over something else.

Dps: Wizard 3 - Elementalist 3 - Warlock 3:
Support: Wizard 2 - Linker 3 - Chronomancer 3 - Rune Caster:
Farmer: Wizard 2 - Linker 1- Thaumaturge 3 - Linker 2 - Shadowcaster 2

Even with Onmyoji?


Tbh I’m not entirely sure how strong onmyoji is compared to warlock, I haven’t seen too many kToS videos of it personally.

Ele3-X-Onmyoji2 should be strong at mobbing, especially with the new earth necklace (storm dust + the 2 new Onmyoji earth skills utilize it perfectly). I guess the main area onmyoji loses to warlock in is bossing.

Other than that onmyoji is probably going to be super good for any psychokino build.

