Tree of Savior Forum

I want to make a ice mage but i am stumped

I know I cant ask the community such impossible questions because everyone has different viewpoint when it comes to selection but in my mind I want to make an ice spell caster.

The problem is I have zero experience and I need someone who knows how the skills work please refrain from meta idealistic views but rather just explain the skill and any hidden effects.

Now I am trying to identify my toolkit of ability’s as for wizard I am most likely going to not take energy bolt and earthquake the reason for this is because with all the ice spells that do damage I most likely wont use energy bolt and earthquake as much as the other three as they can be used to aid in party’s and self protection.

go rune caster, and wiz3

I don’t know about rune caster and I would rather stay away from wiz3



Ill take rune caster but no wizard 3

0 .o

lol i dont even play wizard, but i know that runecraster is a must, idk abotu wiz 3 tho

Things to keep in mind with your thematic build:

1-Rune Caster has a buff that multiplies ice damage that aren’t ground skill based. (aka it does NOT work with Frost Cloud/Hail so keep that in mind).It makes most of cryo skills do decent damage but it’s biggest appeal is Ice Wall combo with Psychokino.

2-Elementalist skills aren’t that impressive without Quick Cast’s bonus damage

3-If you are truly going for thematic build, keep in mind imc may just throw Ice absorbing monsters(aka healing instead of taking damage from ice) at you, yep,that’s a thing.

4-Imc has started giving high level mobs insane MDEF,making even more necessary to go Wizard C3 if you want wizards dps.

5- Energy Bolt and Earthquke suck,yes,but they add utility that may save you just for cheap 2 points that would’ve probably gone into lethargy anyways.

Wizz 3 is sadly important since you’ll go crazy as a consequence of RC casting times, also superspell will avoid a LOT of headache, the good part is that you can get them after r7, +50% matk doesn´t compare to + 20 sec on the PP+ ice wall combo.

Rune of Ice + ice wall + Pressure Point can literally melt a same level Siaulai golem in… less than 14 sec if you are well postioned, I didn’t measured but it died before the Ice wall disapeared
Going beyond than lv 5 in superspell is mostly convinience
Spend silver in the ice pike attribute, it is your most reliable spell.
Rune of destruction does more damage based on how many enemies, and its a lot of damage, potentialy higher than meteor, whitout the aoe ratio restriction.
You can take 2 points from rune of justice and put on gigant/protection, up to you
Also energy bolt I often use as a filler, its an +(atribute level)% damage auto atack, earthquake is less used but works as CC

If you are willing to spend TP on a skill reset potion, you can get lv 5 ice bolt to make leveling easier, but those 4 points will make a difference later (reseting at 280 will also allow you to get quick cast lv 5 right after class change)

Weapons wise from 40 up to 120 (170 if you can get a good enhancement) use ice rod, beyond 170 use the lovely Audra, the build NEEDS the +2 levels to achive maximum performance, since a lv 15 ice wall will last the full duration of PP. After 220 you may want to have both audra and whatever is the best rod + dagger combo

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Although you said you do not want Wizard 3. You have zero experience and want to know why? Here it is.

  • Your damage is bad. Really bad. At least Magic Missle with quick cast carries you through killing monsters until Rank 7 alone.
  • Quick Cast + Ice Pike is also good against bosses.
  • Quick Cast in general is future proof.
  • Snow Rolling will be the skill you like most. This skill takes huge profit from Quick Cast and especially Surespell.
  • Usually I would prefer a higher level Ice Wall but with Kino you don’t need more tiles than the amount you can trigger anyways.
  • Runecaster would be good but CD is too big to be really relevant and you have next to nothing to work around with.
  • Sage will keep you relevant and >might< offer some more interesting tools later on. Runecaster on R8 would be wasted imho.

Since youre taking psycho 1 for the dps, why not go runecaster instead of cryo3?
That will multiply your ice shard dps by 4.

Long CD and especially if you do not go Cryo3 you don’t go Cryo at all.

okey thank you for the advice maybe wizard is not for me :frowning:

Cryomancers are mainly for a “CC” role, ie one could run a cryo linker and chrono build to provide support and good damage for parties.

If you are looking to deal damage with cryo then the one-trick combo of ice wall and psychic pressure is a good boss killer and needs wiz 3 and rune caster.

This is the way I run mine, but there are other ways to run it like replace linker with cryo.(but I wouldnt recommend it)

Check out littlesamson on youtube, his runecaster (cryokino) is the real boss slayer.

There are other ways to run it as well, ie a summoner type cryomancer.

But i have no experience with summons and have heard about summons having bad AI but that is remedied in sorcerer c2 and 3 skills.

Just note that your ice spells are meant to bring mobs together for your summon to deal damage.

I went cyro rank 3 it’s fun i’ll confess but what to do after is hard… i was thinking going kino for easy lvling an the necro an featherfoot rank 2 for a vampire class I mean you can borrow my idea but yea, as for hidden effect’s cyro get’s better at rank 3 cause you can ice pillar an snow ball , you can gust ice wall’s which doesn’t do much but yeaaa cyro three is useful, but don’t waste your time going ele, main focuses is ice pike, icebolt rank an upgrade those up the yin yang, stay away from ice blast an subzero shield . All the other ice skills besides those rank them max them if anything keep your icewall at a decent lvl.

I would stay away from ice blast, but not subzero shield especially for pvp.

i want this build it look strong because the sage give you a little bit more of DPS and gave you some decent skills like missile hole and portal, but what about put instead of 2ranks of wizard make it with 2 levels of piro or 1piro 1rune? give me your opinions guys.

if you dont take wiz 3 you wont have quickcast to increase casting speed and runes will take 6 seconds to cast. And 6s cast time made me reroll my wiz cryo 3 kino rune.

surespell reduces the chances of being interupted during pp icewall combo which in the build, i feel is needed.

going pyro 2 is an option but keep wiz 3 and use agni necklace to increase fire damage and without agni, going pyro might not be very worth it.

so something like wiz3>cryo>psy>rune>pyro 1>pyro 2. if you want. I really do not recommend taking out wiz3, magic missile,quick cast with 50% extra damage attribute and surespell are too good to pass. I learnt it the hard way with my first rune caster.

magic missile still kills groups of mobs easily with linker joint penalty even at level 310+ in ktos. So that is my main mobbing skill

Note that stat wise is at most 45 con and then all int. More int, the better.

check out the other runecaster cryokino thread that just started, plenty of info and debates there.

You need Quick Cast more than Surespell. Surespell just saves you from Hits but pushbacks and knockdowns will still interrupt you.
With lots of monsters you need to cast a fast Snow Rolling and then Quick Cast is so important. Also the damage. 50% is no joke.
For Pyro you need to switch out Kino and then you can not trigger the shards anymore which means you won’t be a full ice mage in my opinion. Also that rank of Pyrp would give you nothing at all.

why though? 20characters