Tree of Savior Forum

I want to contribute to ToS portuguese translation

Hello @fabricio_polo , fine?

I’m a player (Heallzin) and Software Engineering student of Universidade de Brasília - UnB and i would to contribute in github repository of Tree of Savior portuguese translation and i have some doubts in respect to how i can contribute at this repository ( I’ve submit a Pull Request to following repository and you aswered to me to contact here, at the forum.

How can i contribute to ToS portuguese translation?

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Por que ta falando inglês com ele se ele é Brasileiro? :rofl:

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Have you check the translation discord?_?

I wish I could post the link but every time I try to post it just show normal discord and not the specific server D:

@xgearbladex maybe so more people like me that understand more english than portuguese can join the discussion…

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Eu te responderei por PM assim que eu retornar do trabalho. Obrigado por entrar em contato :smiley: