My brother sent me a copy of this game and i spent a few hours reading about it. I asked him about the real purpose of this gift, so he said that i will be his priest. A walking healing companion. But i have no idea how to become one. He did point me out on some website on how to click buttons and select skills. Can someone please help me make a healer priest? i forgot the website. thank you!
Do you even like playing healer? =P
if i just have to press buttons then thats okay. is it complicated?
First, I need your name and address and then
sign here and there
Just kidding, here is the website,
And for stat build
But worry not, I have a basic build for dummy right here for you
You should read this forum link for your future, and my future as well, I mean it
It’s not a matter of “complicated” it just sound to me like you’re beeing forced into it, maybe there would be other classes you would enjoy the most… but wathever
i’m really sad reading that, probably your boyfriend are telling you to play something you don’t even understand.
you need to love the concept of character to play it. don’t force yourself into a role you don’t like.
it’s really sad.
it is a relatively simple character, you just focus on healing and buffing your friend but if you don’t like that kind of character you would hate it in no time.
i beg you to play what you want, not what others want you to play.
Could it be he sent you the so called “girlfriend build”?
Its supposed to be a full support build for nothing else than just being a heal slave xD
I believe she has no choice on the matter.
On topic: the site in question is probably
but its nothing more than a planner so you can plan you future character’s path beforehand. Game itself isnt out yet - it’ll go into early access on March 29 and become Free2Play on April 28.
As for help on becoming priest maiden: when game is out you will have to create character/avatar for yourself. If you choose Cleric as starting class you will be able to become Priest when time comes to advance your class.
Other than that - just play the game and have fun.
thank you. thats a lot to understand thou.
Everyone has a choice… if she doesn’t like it and he forces her to… just slam his face on the groud… or “throw the face on the ground”:
What a nice girl.
I wish my family members woudl do that for me.
Hope you have fun ingame.
i do not want this page to be a drama page like a lot of other pages here. its school vacation here so i have nothing else to do. he is my brother and he work and pays for everything. the least i can do is help him with something. i think this will be fun thou.
Btw, if you want to become true Priest Maiden (a.k.a. Shrine Maiden/Miko) - the class itself isnt in game. The closest one rumored to be implemented soon™ is Onmyoji but it is in Wizard class tree.
It will be fun. The game is meant to be played with others. Laugh together and fail together~
People like drama here. xD
It kind of distracts from our addiction … and the wait~
But this wont get to much into drama.
If you have any questions pooping up later on in the game, just ask away here.
People tend to be nice. When they’re asked nicely~
I advise you to go this way.
You will have heals, supportive skills and a bit damage with this build.
Stats should be 2 Spr:1 Con.
This is meant to be a full support build. Which grants inviciblity to physical atks (with stoneskina nd chapela) as with status ailiments.
that sounds so… dirty
Dont mind foxy, hes distracted (by pooping questions, i guess)
Geez people…
-.- you’re playing mmorpgs.
Be nice.
Or i will note you down on my naughty and bad list. (which is getting an big influx lately…)
And question marks do pop up out of thin air … if you played some games like final fantasy or old school rpg’s.
/me browses his memory for question marks in FF1-FF9 and finds no references.
[quote=“greenfoxy21, post:17, topic:154942”]
old school rpg’s.

I haven’t played a lot in this game on the healing classes but I can give you a few tips.
Using a controller instead of your keyboard and mouse plays a lot easier (an xBox 360 or playstation controller or pc controller should work), but keyboard and mouse also work. I would try both to see what you find more comfortable.
Heal spells show as glowing squares on the ground. If a player walks into it, it will heal them. If a monster steps in it they receive damage.
So you can do more than just heal or buff your brother.
The game is very fun and I’m sure you’ll make a lot of friends. Everyon likes healer characters. You can make more than one character though, so you might want to make a second character that isn’t a healer to try out a different playstyle.
Have fun!
That is wrong. Keyboard & mouse offer quicker response and more precise healing/buffing because in mouse mode your character will use their skill in the direction of mouse pointer instead of direction your character is facing at the moment of cast. So you can run away AND cast Mass heal/heal behind you at same time. Using controller you will have to stop and turn around to do the same.
Oh and any ground targeting is awful with controller imo - takes way too much time when it is instant with mouse mode’s point’n’click.