Tree of Savior Forum

I want to be a Sage

I haven’t played in a while but I just came back and I’m looking at classes and Sage looks cool as hell so I’m just wondering, is this class any good?

And can I take it with my current build?

Wiz3 and Ele2

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AYE AYE! your wish is my comand, now you are a sage, with wisdom to put the Sage class with any build you want…

JK a top…

Usually when I see sages they are pyromaniacs… I mean mancers to duplicate on balls and stuff, + or become the portal taxi agency…

Hard to tell, what is your full build idea and for what you want sage in it ?_?

I would recommend try sage after the patch that will come in the beginning of April. Before that, go ele3w3

Yes Sage is quite good at Circle 2. The attributes increase dmg quite a bit and you also get utility with missile hole and blink. The portal shop is good, if you dont have another shop char.

With your build you could go Wiz 3 - Ele 3- Runecaster/ Sorcerer - Sage 2
If you decide to take sorc1 you should go full spr though.

Hello @athenavega12 if u wanna go for this way, look at my video, it’s a ele3sage very strong and very cool to play with <3