Tree of Savior Forum

I used an item and it just disappeared

Date and Time: 19/03 GMT-5

Server Name: Klaipeda

Team Name: Antalarinae

Character Name: Antalathos

Bug Description :
I used my stats reset potion because i wanted STR instead of all my point in CON and it just got consumed without giving me the reset. I tried login off and waiting a bit, but i did nothing. The potion had 3 days left.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. I clicked the potion, it told me to remove all my equipment, which i did
  2. I drank the potion, did nothing and got consumed
  3. I don’t have more of those, so i can’t try drinking another one.

Screenshots / Video :

I may add that i already consumed the potion here, that blue one is a Skill reset

only reset free stat, not base stat. Hover your mouse over all 5 stat to calculate all free stat you have (the left one is base stat, the right one is free stat).
Free stat is stat from this post.

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