Tree of Savior Forum

I used a Shining Golden Anvil in my Aspana +12, transcendence 7 and it disappeared!

@STAFF_Letitia is it also possible to return discarded stuff ;_;, or is this kind of scenario due to bug therefore possible.

Oh @Mikumo You are breaking my heart. Discarded stuff…will not be returned… :sob:



20 popolions //


Hello was this bugg fixed already? Now im scared to use the gold anvil @@

thanks for showing your inventory. i was always curious about what others had.

This is nothing! haha

Im an old guy! :smirk:

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Many thanks to all the @staff !!!
They were very attentive. :heart_eyes:

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So i said…

Thank you for give back my Aspana.
But, I must say that you guys were already better at giving rewards … I was forced to stay 3 days without playing, losing at least 30 million and at the end, I received cookies (Jumbo Dupling) for leveling my char maximum level?!
What the hell i should do with these jumbo duplings???

Very sad with all of this! :expressionless:

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