Tree of Savior Forum

I stopped playing at 1500+ hours šŸ’”

Yes, this is how we get stupidly skewed ban lists with a huge majority of them (90+%) being gold sellers. I seriously wonder their ā€œreport and blockā€ really does something or just another ā€œblockā€ button labelled to appease the crowd.

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Oh yeah, some areas are definitely worth skipping. The constant back and forth with the Gytis quests was just obnoxious. I personally really dislike the whole area between Gateway of the Great King and Royal Mausoleum, but there are just too many EXP cards there to ignore.

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Goodbye and hope you still look into this game even in the future. Who knows, TOS might interest you again. For sure you can catch up easily :slight_smile:


x.x just come back when the game is more stable.
there is too much bugs and tweaking required for now.
and too much complains froms all over for class balance.

@_Nekorin thatā€™s a joke of an algorithm, which is why itā€™s likely quite accurate.

@AnitaCafe poor husband just noticed now? Or as soon as you produced a whip out of nowhere? Or is the spatulaā€¦ oh manā€¦

@SlyGoat that team exp method would be awesome! I have barely enough time for 1 char but it would be great for the most hardcore.

@Lostac you couldā€™ve bought it doing legwyn quest for silver instead of hunting for it. Not as fun probablyā€¦

@Malzara what exactly are we hugging that weā€™re making him go blue??? \(O_O)/

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Looks more like spermstorm.

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Donā€™t know you but just joined the community. Hoping that in due time a change will come and that youā€™ll be able to get off your lay over and continue your trip here :D!

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@Biskee GL IRL man.


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You havent been here long enough. This forum is already like this from the beginning.

Weā€™re hugging him until he canā€™t breathe, thatā€™s why heā€™ll be blue.:grin:

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There are just some things a lady canā€™t say aloud. Hair flips.


ā€¦and everything else. theres Loreal~


Iā€™ve got more than enough money to buy 4 petamions, but you know thereā€™s this feeling of not wanting to give up when you have four characters to rush it and still get nothing.

but for the record other than talts gems and cards, I got one maledic from mineloader, thatā€™s it.

yes thatā€™s 4 characters rushing 130 daily

I donā€™t understand posts like this.
If you want to leave, just leave and donā€™t post things that people already know.

As for me, i spent 770+ hours, and i still enjoy the game with all its issues.

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Yeah i get it. Iā€™ve been killing kubas lately, hoping for the charm or the or even the wings. Nothing so far and it takes me a good quest to make it pop up lol.
I just recently started rushing the 130dungeon, so I wonā€™t expect to be so lucky as to get anything but talty talt.

@AnitaCafe well, thatā€™svery proper of you. @the7crowmisfits damn LOL almost choke on my tea
@Malzara Iā€™ll trust you on that oneā€¦ for nowā€¦

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Yes and it seems likely the case given the ban lists we see everyday. If the botters wisen up and use legit english names like Happy152 and familyā€¦ we wonā€™t see any more daily ban list. That is actually worrisome.

Just demolish the report button already since is practically useless? I mean despite even having to employ GMs, they are STILL CLUELESS on the actual bots

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I wasnā€™t even gonna quit the game, but after this channels cut thing, I might be joining you guys soon lol.

I guess the zombie made to his tombstone :cry: