Tree of Savior Forum

I See You Mr. Kim


Greetings from the RO community. I wonder if you feel haunted by that old game you once worked on.


This post got no replies… not even a like by Kim.


I’ve often wondered myself if that game follows him around in a good or bad way. O.o Perhaps both? One of the most successful MMOs, but then, the expectation…

From what I can tell, he left Gravity on bad terms so I would assume he’d be annoyed with RO reminders.


I’m sure it was nothing but bad. A hostile corporate takeover is already bad enough, but to see the product survive this long is worse, because there will always be reminders.

Hiya, boss!

When @FlanFlan revives a post, damn do they pick the perfect post.

did u know that flanflan is considered a pedophile in canada?

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Did you know Flanflan is romantically attracted to men, not women, has a boyfriend, is a Touhou fan, Flandre is my favorite character from Touhou and lives in the USA?


flanflan should check out boku no pico, i heard its a masterpiece

Did you know that someone is talty, and that I don’t give a :poop:? :sparkling_heart:

blame canada for rejecting your life style, not me :slight_smile:

Canada is awesome…

Ermagerd would you get over it already. Its been daaaaaAaaaAaaayssss… You derail everything with this crap.

I looked for a gif to say “back to Kim” and just found this and felt it appropriate.

There are levels of Kim.


bad gif, kim would be disjointed


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Did any of you know that when you derail a topic, it’s flag-able? Then again I doubt IMC would check this thread considering…ahem…bad memories.

Oh really, mods aren’t around?!

I would be pretty worried if CEO was really active on the forum and there still a lot of issues with the game.