Tree of Savior Forum

I present to you JIKIA successor aka AlienDNA but worse (DG afk/half-afk/naked run)

  • Reason for report : enough is enough, time to call out this guy, DG afk/half-afk/naked run, pretty much Tels peeps start to know his attitude

  • Server : Telsiai

  • Team Name : AlienDNA

  • Approximate date / time (EDT) : am 01:30 server time , well he is in dg most of the time

  • Evidence


ill provide more, especially vid if i run to him in DG, yes i am being rude in that shout, but theres no need to be polite to cancer, and im not usually call out people like this. theres still more shout but ill just post some earlier one
i dont know how he is acting in CM or saalus since im pretty much never join his cm shout

do youself a favor just reque if u see him, like you see JIKIA


This guy has the talent to be a necromancer. The true necromancer, not only controls the dead, but also the living ahahaha. He practically made all of you his minions.

Hi @nxscythelynz,

Thank you for reporting. We will investigate the activity of this player .

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Would be nice if we get “blacklist” feature, wouldnt get in same party with ppl blacklisted