Tree of Savior Forum

I need help in understanding

Last week, i saw that pyro3 chrono3 shadowmancer2 was one of the Hot 10 builds in iToS

I really liked chronomancer as a class so i decided to copy this build as my first wizard
Now im thinking why this 3 class in particular?
After searching and searching for possible reason in the internet I saw nothing

Now im here asking for help why does this path was one of the Hot build last week? are there any synergy between the 3?

Thank you!

Are you sure it’s not pyro3-chrono3-enchanter2? That build makes more sense to be honest. Chrono in my opinion doesn’t have much synergy with shadowmancer, so if you really like chrono, I’d say go enchant2 or sage2 (switch pyro3 to cryo3 for sage to be more of a support build)