Tree of Savior Forum

I need advice with my runecaster build (This is not a common RC build)

So… i already researxhing about RC build, but commonly the build included cryo in them, but in the otherside i dont like to be cryo hehe…

so this is my build with Wiz3> Link3> RC

in this build i think i want to be a supportive role… with a little offense skill ofc… and i know maybe this isnt a viable build becauze even a commonly RC build with the Ice buff tend to be not much viable bcz of the casting time…

but still i think i need advice with this, and if this is a very terible build, i think i would change it little bit or just ignore the advice and still go on…

and stat distribution in this build i use INT:SPR 2:1 … why raise spr? bcs commonly no one raise spr that much… because of the protection buff in RC skill…

thank you for read until down here, thanks for your attention…

Explain to us why you’re taking wizard c2 and c3.

Linker I understand, amazing support class. But walk me through your reasoning for wiz2/3.

since in the Wiz3 u got the quickcat with attribute that increasing 50% damagge… so it means half cast time with damage ++… i think its a good deal with my few offense skill such magic missile, energy bolt, and most important in RC skill such Rune of destruction and the Rune of justice

IMHO 15/15 energy bolt is a little bit overleveled. I would put it somewhere else.

hmmm… im interested, please explain to me why? :slight_smile:

Look at the damage increase between lv1 ebolt and lv15 ebolt. Now compare their sp cost. At lv200, are you willing to spend triple the sp to do 5% more damage?

oh yes u r right :confused: hmmm… i didnt think that far, because as far as i play i only came up wiith lvl 104… so how much skill point to spend on energy bolt in your opinion?

oh yeah and again… im scared even it was not worth to raise the energy bolt, it will be my main damage skill beside missile, soo… yeah i think im still max it max

it would be more viable if you have a chrono c3 in your party all the time. (for the -25sec cd) :smiley: overall, wiz > linker > RC is a good path

yeah i alr think to go chrono and go to runecaster in the end, like Wiz3>Chrono3>RC but so sad chrono start at rank 5 if im not mistaken

Yeap, r5 for a chrono… Anyway, as mentioned, that energy bolt at 15/15 is just @_@… some people will add lethargy as support in late game (im not sure if the effect is still ok in late game though as i have never played a mage), earthquake at 1/15 is good, while some said reflect shield can prevent KB and KD. So, you might wanna ponder about these too.

Like the other stated, it is a waste of skill point and sp for the little increase in damage. I personally put 3 points into EB, I have seen others with 6 to 10 and even 1. But I’ve never came across max EB, but again its just me.

And put one point into Earthquake, its an important cc especially in pvp. Earthquake>Sleep is a good combo as well.

yess… i alr calculate it… but in the end i came up with this problem… that i dont have any offense skill beside bolt and missile…

and ++about the earthquake why i wont raise it, the damage in high lvl terible (PVE) and people in many thread said the same and idk about the pvp like Haseo said (PVP) and for the worst is, i never encountered about this info but Earthquake just Unbind/Broke Joint Penalty, in my prev build before i post this thread i came up with that problem, and belive me its annoying when you can damage 4-5 enemies in long duration but just after 2 sec u cast the Joint Penalty the Link is broke because EQ :confused:

All I can say is that take RC at rank 6 or get bored spamming magic missile until rank 7

haha yes XD even i didnt get Wiz C3 straight along, after Wiz2 then link maybe until 2 again then Wiz…

or its good just staight along :confused: hmmm

Then again your build is more orientated towards supporting, having EB as source of damage is also not good idea at later level. It is not effective and you’ll die from boredom.

My suggestion:

  1. Level with a friend
  2. Let go of Linker and go for Cyro instead

Anyway, your build is leaning towards the support type. So, that amount of offensive skills you have are enough for you to deliver some damage before you’re back with your support. So, by then you wouldn’t be complaining about having not enough offensive skills. :smiley:

I think this build is like a preparation for rank 8 classes until then you’ll be bored spamming magic missiles.

For my case I did level my wiz straight to Wiz 3. Magic Missile is too good to pass up early on. It will make your levelling a breeze as it instantly kills a pack of mobs. Just use Cafri set then buy sacrament buffs - you will one shot most mobs in one auto attack at low level.

i appreciate your suggestion to change my class to cryo, but i just dont like it ++ if you recommend that based on Rune of Ice in RC… i wont do that… yes it raise your ice damage up 300% but only for a given duration that i alr check up not a very long duration, and after that waiting for 3 minutes if im not mistaken for the cooldown… i like the attribute to make people slow just by the auto attck but even the attribute active when the buff active

@Kaizen yeah… alrite then, thanks for the guide… i think i alr came up with what i would build… :wink:

@Ellyr And yes… hahaha idk if theres would be rank 8 classes, i think theres alr exist now, but still have a blur information… i will take your advice to go straight Wiz3 Thanks alot

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Link3 is useless SC and Lifeline don’t cost 1 rank. U can take tramaturge for example for good damage and control.