Tree of Savior Forum

I Love Tree of Savior; I Am Leaving Tree of Savior

I bet IMC really love Tree of $$$avior, too. Overpriced stuff, but he talks like that founder dude shouldn’t care, because he already got a boost, so the other dumb players here are going to buy it anyway.

Ironically reading hkkim’s post makes me want to quit. The boss debuff is even worse.

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Unsatisfied WTF was that? he didn’t even make it a news on this forum. More excuses less answers.

35$ for 1 month of a token. You don’t have to communicate with your community to know that this price is overpriced as fck. When Triple A games are being sold for 40$-50$, when the biggest game in the world has a 15$ a month subscription. This should tell you, that a game who is under development, free 2 play, massive lags, massive performance issues and massive bots and gold seller quantities do not grant your game the label of 35$ a month, close to 10$ if we love the game.
I bet that this is one of the reasons he wrote this message, they saw a huge hit in the sales since they went F2P.
And all of you out there who immediately praise the lord of ToS, remember that this is his job to say things like that, to tell us what we want to hear. Don’t fall for it and go rush and buy packs cuz you believe in this lord of tos again and you want to support them to be, “help them help us”. Be strong, hold your horses, don’t buy sh1t until the game is fixed. let them work for their earnings.

I’m a bit floored by this. They seriously didn’t bother to research how they were going to fuck1ng monetize their game?
"Oh we can just make like a million DLCs and people can buy them more than once that’ll probably work."
That was their big board meeting on how to get ToS functional in steam? And only now, several weeks after a full release and over a month after early access, now they’re realizing it won’t even work? Did none of them seriously read the fuck1ng documentation on DLC and selling stuff through steam? Geesh.
I’m kinda floored they admitted that. I like the game at its core, it’s got a lot of fun ideas and all, but my goodness… with something as shortsighted and stupid as that happening, I’m scared.

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All I can say are

#Tree of bots

  • Look at all the freaking bots running around, there is even an bot train now at tenet church B1 (a train of archers bots lol).
  • Lots of bots at various maps, Forest of Prayers aka Forest of Bots, Demon Prison (yes there are bots there now), etc

#Tree of overpriced DLC

  • Ok look, If WoW subscription cost me $15USD, Roughly $2x SGD and I got the latest expansion for FREE, do you think your DLC prices are slightly overpriced?

#Tree of bugs

  • Too many bugs to even comment here

#Tree of no diminishing returns

  • Ever try hitting a mob that keeps sleeping/freezing you? Try the pure loftem at main chamber. Enjoy being chain frozen to death even as a tanky build.

#Tree of gold spammers

  • Step into any town, maybe except Fedimian and enjoy the wall of text. Yes, people are using add-on’s to block such spams but if so then there is something very wrong with the game.

#Tree of silence

  • No communication to players whatsoever.
  • Look at other MMO’s, their community mangers actually talk to players via forums, a game without an community is a dead game.

#Tree of lag

  • Yes, the servers are not exactly under your control per say, Maybe you could buy more bandwith?
  • If it’s not possible, open more server? Like another SA and SEA server to ease the server load.

#Tree of poor optimization

  • I don’t know what game engine that you are using, but an game (WoW) has a 12 year old engine and it can run way better than your’s something is very wrong.
  • If the lag doesn’t frustrate players, the constant up and down of FPS will definitely irritate them to the core.

#Tree of Poor Dungeon Matching

  • Doing dungeons via auto matching for dungeons are good (Exp Boost)
  • But however, You get weird combinations most of the time, prob coz the lacking of a healer/support player

#Tree of Restrictions

  • Why make someone wait for 2 days just to retrieve silvers from the TP, srsly other MMO’s are instant retrieval once the item is sold.
  • Other players would already list the trading restrictions before me, it’s extremely frustrating.

#Tree of Why Roll a Healer/Tank

  • If you have not notice, Healers and Tanks don’t get any loot even if they are in a party (except for dungeons).
  • Eg : Not getting silvers/loots while in a party, grinding mobs (Also the reason why I stop lvling my C3 Priest), no point spending money on Holy Powder, Holy Water and Grylottis while not getting anything in return.

I’m new, but I also had concerns. Of course, there are always concerns, but since I know the problems are acknowledged I think I’ll stick around a while.

Ugh I may be strange here but I’ve had more fun trading in this game than any other game I’ve playn. If they lift those trading restrictions, prepare for some serious inflation. As well, trading for STUFF like gear is infinitely more fun than trading Currency for an item. Its so impersonal. For example lets look at Marvel Heroes… that game doesn’t even have an auction house, you just trade, items of value for other items of value based on games current economy of a hierarchy of what item is worth what.

Did i mention as a player its more profitable #TosTeaParty that sales tax man bump all that noise!

Hngh i did it again >_< Last one im outta here!

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Pretty sure he’s talking about tree of savior at, friendo.
Seems pretty right to me.


It’s funny cuz I read your name Wooooooooow instinctively before reading your post making it pretty hilarious LOL

Less and less players playing it day by day.

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Well that’s odd, I checked out a whole bunch of games using that.

They all did the same thing… Video games are in trouble…

Ahh a ToS White Knight.

I am looking at the game not from any other games point of view.

But hey this is 2016 not 2000, If your game is released with this much problems, your doing something very wrong.

Was browsing for top games aside from dota2 and csgo that will interest me. well i saw tos and the numbers of playtime decreased.

its good for real players but for the company its not good.

If only there was a regenerating free TP feature that allowed you to spend up to 5 more TP than you have, eh?


It’s honestly amazing to see this game hold a top 15 position. Especially with the issues OP laid out. I havent touched this topic prior cause I found at least the OP’s post productive. But it started really going downhill about 15 posts ago. So it’s had it’s run.

IMC did something very right, but a bunch of things wrong as well. Hope they just get this stuff smoothed out.

I accidently clicked on like when trying to reply.

The pack gives 190. 5 free TP. Still 3 short to get to 198. Kind of odd as well.

Though I find acquiring the silver ingame to buy tokens on the AH/trading post, easy enough.

Check todays kTOS patch notes ;O

Oh, nevermind then ^^"