Tree of Savior Forum

I lost 3 skill points in rank 7 8

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 01 March 2018, 10:00 / 11:00 am in klaipeda

Server Name: [SA] Silute

Team Name: RaniereST

Character Name: Rani

Bug Description :
I lost 3 point skills in kabbalist after i use reset rank, i should have 30 point but i’m with 27. I was on Cleric 2, Priest 3 and Kabbalist 3 when i used the downgrade i went for Cleric 2, Priest 3 and Kabbalist 2 and got one more Cleric rank but when as was taking the skills i see less 3 points in Kabbalist. I should have 30 but i only have 27

When i used downgrade and use skill reset potion, after this, when i was putting the skill points in rank 8 was only with 27 points in total, should be 30 because i’m rank9 cleric. The downgrade just lost class points in rank 9 and not in rank 8

I tried to use a skill reset potion but i still have 27 skill points in kabbalist 2 and i dont know why, already sent a ticket March 1 but i still have this problem.

Someone can help me?

Screenshots / Video :

Hi @ranierest10,

Kindly send a support ticket for further assistance regarding this matter. Thank you.

i already sent at march 01 :frowning:

We apologize for the delay and we’ve sent your compensation to your character via GM message! :haha: