But holy ■■■■. I did not expect THAT many. How am I even going to use that many SP potions? Lmao. I’ll still be using these things next year.

But holy ■■■■. I did not expect THAT many. How am I even going to use that many SP potions? Lmao. I’ll still be using these things next year.
You got few of the regular sized ones. I got 330 of them. Went over 200% my carrying capacity.
You too? I was wondering if I should bother to make a thread about it
Well, I think they said they added them as quest rewards so I guess I’ll probably get them when I finish those quests. Lol. I’m a swordsman though, so even 675 of the small ones are more than I’ll ever use.
I mean, you can see that out of the 40 potions I bought a week ago I’ve only had to use 1.
I assumed it was some bug and just npc sold all of them ROFL. Then again even as a mage i rarely use pots, since #bonfire. Way for me to fail, but all this exploits and stuff happening have me a little paranoid.
I NPC"d them too, I cant keep them in my storage cause I’m going to transfer soon and I’ll probably be too late to get them out.
So bubai. I use higher lvl pots anyway.
(Erased my post) Noticed they were in the auction house. my bad haha that’s alot of pots.
Crazy thing is there is people in game who thinks all these sp pots are dupes. When people shout asking why they have so many pots, people actually report thinking they are hackers. Obviously, none of these people read the patch notes smh.
Do you mean actual storage or cabinet (that market tab where you can retrieve silver and bought items)? Because I think you don’t need to empty your storage, it will transfer with you.
Oh, oops…?
Hello @Masamune SP Potion is given as quest rewards for players that already completed those quests . You may visit this link for more details ;
Oh, I know where they came from. I was just surprised by how many of them there were! Thanks though, it’s nice to know you care.
I believe Alchemists can combine small to make medium potions and medium to make large potions. Not 100% sure though…
I redeemed them not knowing they’d go 300% over my weight capacity, needless to say between the FPS drop and moving as slow as a snail that was a very unfun evening.