Tree of Savior Forum

I just came back from Hiatus, HELP!

I just got back and everything is reset, and im stuck as a 330 swordy and I have a 170 Archer…

Am I stuck with the classes Swordy and Archer? I don’t want to play those classes anymore since they reset my builds to Nothing and im very confused on where to even start or do…

I can unlock a secret class which ive chosed to go Rune Caster, But I cannot since neither of these characters were reset back to base and I cannot choose a wizard or mage whatever the base class is, can someone help me get started again?

I can’t even choose the class I unlocked: Shinobi because I am thrown back to a swordy…

Take it slow, you missed a lot of stuff…

best to take it easy and try to go by 1 thing at a time…

Can you post an image of your lodge (where all your characters are)

also, did you recuperated your stuff from market retrieve tab?_?

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Read about Re:build before doing anything else,


Think wisely before you switch to scout and take shinobi. Shinobi is underated class now.

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I decided to go the 3rd build on the top 10 list; but I did not find skills and attributes to allocate.

So I guess first of all I need help finding a skill build for this top sword class build

have fun

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Thank you so much I just applied these points as much as I could, I am level 15 Doppel thats what I ended with :slight_smile: ! which is most important for attributes?

get all you can up to lv50. and aim for all lv70 next and maybe lv100 with Skyliner, crosscut, cyclone, zucken, redel if you can.

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Perfect thank you, that character is ready to rock, I appreciate you expediting this process so much for me, also I have this character that is going off the top archer build that is 4th place. (Just the skills!) :smiley:

With that, I would be completely happy to return to playing this game with my roomie, who is rejoining again and I am also assisting with his inquisitor!

have fun

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You’re the best! Thank you very much man!

Since you just came back, if you ever need to change your Base Class, there’s an NPC in the left of Klaipeda that offers a base class change for 30 days, which will start counting down as soon as you returned from the game.

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I recommend all the returner do not use this shitty function.
Just create another toons to play another class is better than screw everything on your main.

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