Tree of Savior Forum

I honestly do not see any staff ever replacing rod + arde

I am currently using this setup myself:
Ignition + arde

Can a staff even come close to the damage this outputs?
Even at higher levels you just get the strongest rod available and pair it with an arde dagger type weapon to make every staff obsolete it seems like.

Can anyone enlighten me on this topic, because i would love for there to be more viable options.

Well there’s the Lolopanther Staff. Elemental attacks are probably gonna fall off if they introduce more matk% stuff similar to Meteor and the Quick Cast attribute or when monsters get high elemental resistances.

Audra staff if you’re a cryomancer for the 15% chance to freeze when using icespells and the +2 spell levels.

Lolopanther staff is better than lolopanther rod + arde. I think you get those for beating ET? The Koreans have only gotten to floor 10 of 20 in ET so far.

But yes, thanks to arde/karacha/venom/ledas, staffs are just bad. Rods m.atk is equivalent to it’s item level, so a lv200 rod has about 200 base damage. Staff adds about 25% to 33% extra base damage for being a twohanded weapon. So a staff would need to be lv451 for the 33% bonus to be equal to arde’s 153 extra damage.

Staff enhancements also don’t scale up, and they only get 3 gem slots compared to the rod’s 2 gem slots. It feels like they were balanced around offhands not giving bonus damage.

Meteor and quickcast both multiply arde’s damage though, since elemental damage is added before T1 modifiers (meteor) and T2 modifiers (quickcast).


Yeah rod+arde win most of the times…Here comes a new challenger

Catacombs is good only if you are poor.
+6 maga rod
+7 ignition (much less that +7 if we count proc too)
are better in terms of raw DPS
But cata is good if you wanna save your silver, because there’s no point in upgrading it :slight_smile:
So I chose Ignition, with it’s proc there’s no really other option pre-lolorod. So far ignition + karacha. Wanna buy venom to use it on non-plate mobs…

p.s. And if we take in account Catacombs price (4-5m v.s. 2-2.5 for ignition) I see no point in this item for wizard at all, leave it to clerics.

What server are you in? Im at SEA
Based MAtck 192 + 72 + 22 = 286
Cost Ignition 3m + 1.5m (+7)

Magas Rod
Based MAtck 194 + 72 + 68 = 334
Cost Magas dont know never seen this one in our server

Lets focus on the MAtck - 303
Cost 3-4M

Aside from that the HP bonus is good more HP = More points on INT
Did I miss something?

Fedimian. It’s easy to find Ignition 2-2.2M here now. And almost 0 clubs on auct (the last one was like 4M+).
Once again, at +7 Ignition got more raw damage, and it has a proc too. Also noone can stop you from upgrading it to +8, +9, etc.
Club is a nice weapon really, just not a top dps one, thats it.

Im just offended when you say POOR thats why I gave a computation Club will give you HP do you know how many INT would that be?

Here on Klaipeda, there is only one Ignition rod on sale on the market, and it’s 5 Mil.

Hehe, sorry for making you feel offended :slight_smile: I dont meen it :wink:
By telling Club is for poor, i meant that i have to invest to Ignition to make it shine, and Club is good as it is. I’m not sure, tho how wise is to grade Ignition to 10+, because I have no idea how hard it would be to get some lolo-weapons. If it is, and I would grade Ignition to 10+ it would be even more stronger that Club. Dont know why noone counting DoT damage from ignition. I haven’t done much testing yet, so it’s hard to tell how much raw MAttack it gives, but it seems it’s much… If any1 have any information on Ignition burn proc damage numbers, I’d be glad to see it :slight_smile:

The price of club now skyrocket and now thinking if i also should go to ignition since no one is selling magas rod. Yeah please anyone who got Ignition please tell us the raw damage of burn TIA.

Whats better for a Wiz3/Ele3 Mostly con build a Arde or a Ledas Shield?