Tree of Savior Forum

I have some questions for you, dear Alchemists

I wasn’t able to find a guide about it, or one that is recent, the one i found was last posted on march (or so i think, and it was more like a ‘asking Help Topic’, I read it all).

So, as someone who likes all these things with alchemists (I was thinking of making as my first char, but decided on going the cleric way first).
I plan to do (if nothing goes wrong, and if I have the time) an alchemist for an alt.

And so I ask, what type of builds are you currently using, how is the grind/leveling, you went full solo, ocassinally partying or all the way with a fixed party?

If it’s necessary to know, I play mostly solo (due to irregular play times), but have no problems with participating in a party (if it’s necessary, of course with random people)

What build are you using with your alchemist?

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I considered Pyro2-Thau2-Alche2 and Pyro-Kino3-Alche2.
Will settle on the later :slight_smile:

Would you mind to explain the reason?

What I saw mostly on the other topic were builds with pyro and linker. And I am out of the news on wizard tree too.

Explain the reason of what ?
You don’t expect me to write an essay, do you ?

Pyro-Thau because Pyro skills tick and Thau increase the tick damage. It’s a support-DPS build.
PyroKino because PyroKino combo, Kino works well solo, Kino has great CC, Kino need Alchemist pots.
I like versatile builds :slight_smile:

It all ends in how you want to play.
Pyro-Thau seemed fun but I like to have more interesting solo skills than Pyro’s… Having to rely only on thaumated FG,FB,FP feels debilitating.

I use cryo3 - Sorc - Alch2, but mostly because I like cryo. Since cryo lack of dmg, I choose Sorc for easy lvl.

I do think linker, or support build will get you in group easier later in dungeons/farming group.

I do mostly solo. cryo is good cc, but not good boss killer… since boss cannot be cc. That says quest is not really hard but boss takes longer to kill.
When I get Sorc I just let my boss kill things :smile:

p.s. Sorc rank1 is not good. I took it just because cryo don’t have the dps.
Boss farming is pain too…

My main character is gonna be an Alchemist. I play solo and had zero problems rolling with this build:

I’m currently on Rank 5 and it’s been a blast play with this character.

If you decide to use this or at least take some stuff from it, i would advise you to not copy the Alchemist part blindly because i picked those skills hoping that the class will see some improvements later so, might not be the best way to go.

This build grants you tools to play alone and in parties (dungeons, daily missions), great damage, good CC at Rank 5 (even tho Gravity Pole might crash you client sometimes, they haven’t fixed it yet) and as a bonus your skills are cool af! hahahaha

There are cons of course like:

  • Psychic Pressure is almost unusable by itself until Rank 4 (Kino Circle 2) when you get the Stun attribute.

  • Psychokino Circle 2 sucks. PP’s stun and more levels on PP and Telekinesis are the only good things you get. Magnetic Force is borderline useful sometimes so, Lv.1 on it.

  • Gravity Pole might crash your or your party members’s client sometimes and that sucks because it’s actually one of your most powerfull skills and you won’t use it as much as you would like to because of this bug.

  • Sometimes (when you skills are on cooldown) you might feel that you’re not contributing much on dungeons but that’s because the monsters there have a lot of HP and you might not be able to kill them alone but keep in mind that every wizard end up throwing Energy Bolts, Lethargies or Auto-Attacks. You might not throw a lot of stuff but when you do, it’s just massive destruction. This happens more frequently on Rank 4, after reaching Rank 5 you’ll spam so much stuff that your sp is gonna drain very quickly hahaha.

PS: Bosses got nothing on you ;D

Thank you very much.

@lemaitre_dulotus for the build and your insight on it. I was not asking for an essay neither a complete guide. My fault for not being specific about what I was asking there.

But what you wrote was more than enough. It was just so I could see your thinking on this part. And I was not dissapointed. Again, thank you.

And @foryou61639 the same goes foryou (see what I did?), thanks for the build and the insight.

I read about sorc 1 being bad, probably with later ranks sorc and alche could be in the same build, but that depends on a lot of other factors.

Since posting on mobile is a pain, I’m editing to include @iEden on the thanking list.

The same I wrote earlier goes here. For the build and your insight on it, thanks.

I saw a bit of the combo cryo+kino on cbt, looked like a really fun class. I’ll look all the info of the builds when I go back to my pc, and now is kinda late here.

For you three, one more thanks. (Would post a cute anime gif if I had one here)


haha, np. I do like my alchemist tho :stuck_out_tongue: snow ball + tree is fun, and boss kill monster and i can being afk is fun too lol

Sorc looks really fun too, even though some people say that it lacks power (and is kinda useless, about skills and other things after some patches) only picking c1, what really matters is the enjoyment you get playing.

Since my main problem is solved. Now I have to find the time to learn more about wizards, and decide the possibilities.

Thank you.