Tree of Savior Forum

I have some questions about Sorc

Greetings ToS Forum,

Some days ago I heard about some Changes and decided to give ToS another shot.
I logged in and found my old Sorc (wiz/3xcryo/3xSorc), which was pretty much full INT, because the DMG of Summoning scaled on INT, now it seems to scale off your Level.
Then I read in a Forum Post, that full SPR is the way to go.
Sure you have a lot of regen but I still dont really know why. SPR seems to give only defensive Stats towards your Summoning and the Summon seems to be unkillable anyways.
I didnt pick up Bats, because I wanted to go full Summoner but Salamion seems pretty weak tbh.
I dont know what to do, just trash a level 260 char? :confused: Seems kinda wasted…
Missing the reset Weeks is kinda frustrating aswell… Will Summoning scale on SPR next balance Patch? ._.

… You need SPR because it IS “balance patch”. Summon damage is based on your SPR now.

You have no SPR, full INT and no bats. Sad…

On a future patch. Summons will deal a lot of damage.I’d suggest that you keep your char and wait for the update.

Hmm, the Skill tooltip is saying Character level +%Cardlvl.
SPR stat tooltip is saying Max SP+ / SP regen+ / Summon Evasion and Summon HP :confused:

There is more in there, it just didn’t fit in the description.

Also Cryo 3 can cover pretty your damage together with your summon.

I redid one of my char as Cryo 3 Sorc 3 RC, still on the work tho, but at Sorc 1 I can pretty much clear a bunch of mobs from dungeons (instanced one) together with my TS.

Also, in a future patch, the summons will get a small percentage of damage from weapons matt.

Also, Salamion is the most bad designed skill in Sorc, it need heavy rework to be a worth skill or simple removed from it.

As @LeafPenguinOP said, keep your char, we might have a reset rank voucher/reset stat/skill pot in a future patch that change things again.

If you are dissatisfied with your current char, create another in the mean time, leveling now is faster than before.

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Thank you Nirimetus. :slight_smile: I bought a Skill reset Potion to get rid of Salamion.
Sadly the Statreset Potion is 990(!!!) medals. So if the Ratio of TP into Medals is 1:1 it’s like 75€ so ye… I will wait… :slight_smile: Until then I’m enjoying my Bats. I dont want to deal with RNG drops, when I just want to reset my Stats.

In all honesty, nothing from medal is worth it’s price, you have to do a freaking round about way to acquire medals and end up wasting even more than what it would be worth in TP.

It’s just my rough guess but as far as I can see, the TP : Medal ration would be 1: 30, because no matter what you get with TP, if you go exchange, you can only exchange for 30 medals, and I don’t remember if it’s only valid by stuff got from Goddess Cubes.

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