Tree of Savior Forum

I have a c3 Wizard but don't really know what to invest my sp into, help?

I made a c3 Wizard, and I already maxed Magic Missile and Quick Cast ('m level 61). I don’t know what else I need to fit my playing style. Any help?

What are you going into and do you already have points in surespell? That usually gets some points depending on the build.

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Whatever your playing style is, i recommend to max surespell and sleep, put 1 point in earthquake and lethargy respectively. The rest skill points probably go to reflect shield (to prevent knockback, very situational but at least useful) rather than Energy Bolt .

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It completely depends, are you aiming for PvP/PvE? Which statuses did you invest in? Which classes are you going to take next? Assuming Wiz3, you’re probably going to take Ele3 and Wl next? If I were you, I would put:

-15/15 Sleep (Attack Threshold will be increased per level. It’s the most useful Wizard skill in C1.)

-5/15 Reflect Shield (It scales with SPR, but even if you didn’t take SPR at all, it’s alright to get it, because what we want isn’t to prevent damage. Apparently, it’s the only skill in the whole Wizard tree that prevents knockbacks. I put 4 level in it instead of 1 for 100% uptime).

-5/15 Surespell (With QC on Max, you will most likely not use this, but since we don’t know what rank 8-10 have in store for us, you might want to put some points in this just in case. Believe me, I didn’t use Surespell even once with my Ele casting a level 10 Meteor. Also 100% uptime.)

-1/5 Lethargy (Worst skill ever once you get to higher levels, invent one point into this for utility and for the useful attribute. It’s only good on earlier levels.)

-5/15 Energy Bolt for knockback. (Again, what we want isn’t the damage. And cd filler when Magic Missile is resting.)

The remaining 4 points are up to you for decide how you want to spend it on EB or EQ , but please, just, please. I HARDLY suggest you, DON’T put any more point into Lethargy.

Most people would tell you to max Lethargy and Surespell, and skip Reflect Shield, but this is just how I think. In the end, it depends on your play style.

Oh, yeah. Almost forgot to mention: Earthquake cancels Joint Penalty, so don’t use it when there’s a Linker around, they will be very angry at you.

Skills allocation for Wizard c3 is quite a headache.

Straightforward ones are:
Magic Missile

Max the above.
You have 20 more points.
If you did not put any in earthquake or energy bolt, that’s good.
Because to be honest, I have never used energy bolt once I got magic missile.

Earthquake for damage, you stop thinking about that once you get magic missile. Some people say, to allocate 1 point for Earthquake for some CC.
What I have observed though for earthquake is, the CC is a very short duration one. You send the monsters flying up by making the earthquake. So it’s like an instant interrupt skill that only serves to interrupt some skills of enemies. While you can jump to quick cancel the animation, the outcome is still not so fantastic against ranged monsters. When they were sent flying in the air, they would recover in the air and start attacking back before landing. So it’s only good on melee monsters and to send burrowing monsters out.

Surecast is hard to decide. Depending on your later ranks, if you have spells that requires cast time longer than 2 seconds, I think you should get at least 5 points. I had 4 points because I added 1 point into energy bolt and earthquake but if I get the reset skills, I would make it 5 points. How useful is this skill? It’s useful when you get DoT damage such as poisoned, burnt or bleeding. DoT damage can interrupt your cast other than instant cast spells. So, if you were in a pinch and you got a DoT running on you and you urgently need a form of CC or huge damage, surespell comes in handy.

Reflect shield vs Lethargy
This has been debated again and again. Most people end up saying 1 point in Lethargy, the rest in reflect shield.
For me, I do it differently.
Reflect shield is good because it can reduce chance of knockback when the shield is on. But it takes up a buff slot which some people in your party may despise. Other than that, it doesn’t really reduce a lot of damage at higher levels where you take 2-3k damage.
For Lethargy, people mainly use it for the buff for strike damage, which is very good damage boost for bosses. I went further to try max attribute lethargy and I have a lvl 14 lethargy. So I can reduce attack and defense of enemy by about 90.
90 attack doesn’t seem much at higher levels. But 90 attack is not equal to 90 damage. There’s a damage formula and 90 attack translate to roughly 10-20% of damage, the reduction is higher when your level difference between monster is lesser and you can feel the effect better when you have good defense.

I am lvl 213. I tested it out at Alemeth Forest where monsters are lvl 22x. Red truffle hits me for about 3k and my defense with 4 plates is about 508. When I turn on lethargy, the damage gets reduces to about 2k. It’s about 800 damage reduced on average. Red truffle hits my lvl 10 templeshooter for about 1.6k per hit. With lethargy, it gets reduced to 600-800. I believe when my level is closer to the level of these monsters, the damage penalty is lesser and I will take less.
I just want to say, Lethargy is not that useless as most may think. It doesn’t really scale so well. Imagine when you PVP me and you get hit with that, your attack gets reduced by 90. There will be a few hundred damage less dealt per hit for 30 seconds. When your attack is only 500, it’s a big chunk. When it’s 900, the portion gets smaller. In future when we all have attack of 3000 or 4000, 90 feels like nothing. The scaling is not fantastic but at current stage, I think Lethargy is still usable. Reflect shield doesn’t reduce that much damage from what I understand. Unless someone can provide more details. When you are lvl 600 at rank 10, rank 1 spell such as reflect shield and lethargy just won’t cut in anymore.

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