Tree of Savior Forum

I don't like dungeons anymore

The Card drop rate is too low after the last patch. I don’t need Talt I need cards. :v

Most of the time I get 0 per character naow.

Like 1 card out of 42 boxes just now.

april 5 2018
opened 102 cards at once~ 5 cards…

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Is it really? I still get 1-2 cards average per 18 cubes

i got 4 armaos last night with 12 cubes

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I get 1 out of 80. I been def getting far less than I used to with these new cards.

I have more talt than someone who has no talt. I need juicy thigh watering cards.

i just spam open mine. and was hoping all of them are talts. then ends up with cards =w=;

i guess the ones we want will always try to avoid us

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you need like 30 million cards to make 12 +10 cards per character though. :frowning:

i only have 1 character (well i’m trying to make another one [just because there’s a premium hairstyle sale {and additional storage, aside from having penguins mushed up in the center because it cant be displaced in the lodge without a character with them}] now) and i only have 1 lvl 10 card for summoning. and the equipped ones are around 6-8 levels XD

Hey skonryu, I too, am hoping for talts but end up with cards and recipes XD

To be honest, I actually think the rate for getting talts is lowered (not sure about cards though, but I don’t notice much difference). Before the patch, on average I get like 13-14 talts per 12 cubes. Now I frequently get like 9-10 talts per 12 cubes…

It’s not that I don’t need cards. I just really want silver atm.


haha XD yes :'D we both have the same motives. easier to sell talts than cards. especially when you’re f2p ; w ;

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I opened about 3k5 cubes when the new cards got put in (hoarded them for armaos cards) and I averaged about 1 card every 20 cubes.

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