How about I questioned how you’re pooping out +16 weapons and rmt ■■■■ that you’ve done? oh wait you’re ■■■■ sucking the gms pets you get the immunity.
Just because they didn’t get banned at that time doesn’t mean it wasn’t in violation of the rules and it’s stupid to think that just because someone else gets away with breaking a rule that you can.
The GMs are following their rules, stop defending assbags who don’t.
You probably missed out on the 1000 wingshards he busted but never shouted or whatever item
That’s why I asked in the ticket system and got the answer it was allowed.
Are you saying we’re supposed to not believe in the ticket system?
Is that really it?
Should we believe in our homie GM word that’s also our guildie and that’s the god’s word?
All I’m here discussing is for fairness. I don’t like AFK farmers but that doesn’t mean I’m in the right to do anything against it.
If they weren’t macroing nor violating ToS nor was the ban reason and also not violating rules in other means because it was allowed… then it’s a ban for nothing?
Like the +15 shield I made using 270 golden anvils at 2-3M each? All that +16? Or the single +16 spear I have? Maybe you mean the 22 durandals I bought at 3-7M each to make a pretty weapon swap for my buffs?
Yea all of my characters (1 single dragoon) are really popping off with their +16.
I have a youtube video- basically weapon enhancement for dummies. More information on how I do in the description.
EDIT: Perhaps you mean all my +16 from last year. Same method
Happy enhancing all \o/
Ticket system has always been wonky, but it’s hit or miss. Obviously they investigate players when able, and obviously people get banned all the time–they post ban lists every day.
I quoted a second time why (according to Bob) why he was banned, has nothing to do with afk farming.
Not sure why you feel the need to perpetuate the meme but like you said, you don’t play the game anymore because you’re not welcome literally anywhere.
I mean, if they say you’re allowed to do something you can get banned for it?
Is that a bad joke?
Nor my ticket response has, it has do with resource transferring between accounts for one account’s progress.
I’m very welcome in my two previous guilds.
Sorry if I’m not fit to be your friend, you also doesn’t fit to be mine. It’s life.
You seem to be really hung up on that support ticket. If you read it carefully, they say it is okay to login to multiple accounts via multiple computers for account progression “(e.g. Party)”.
What we can infer from this is that helping another account progress through the game for each accounts respective benefit is okay. It in no way, hints at it being okay to funnel limited event items/silver/gains into other accounts.
I fail to see where they went back on their stance.
Exploiting what exactly? you mean having an alt account that I bought tp with and you mean to tell me I cannot transfer my alt account earnings that I’ve played for? Everybody knows that me and nulight are different person. How about you look into your lawn and have your guild checked? I’ve known people that did shady ■■■■ that is in your guild. Oh wait you guys are immune to “exploits punishment” because you have a gm in your guild. I completely forgot.
at least u can’t do that anymore… and how do u refine so fast? is that an addon?
about the topic u ban ach and nulight for “exploiting” an event who everyone with many account abuse nice done IMC… nice done… that is soo sad
And yet when asked for proof you don’t have it. when people provide me proof that someone in my guild breaks the rules, they are kicked. Yet when I ask for some kind of proof, no one ever provides it–probably out of fear of further implicating themselves.
Well, it’s kind of easy to be immune to punishment when you don’t break the ■■■■■■■ rules and shame people who do.
You really just like derailing this thread. It’s not gonna get your friends unbanned.
Like trading trade-able Event Items to progress your account?
I’m not friends with Nulight, sorry too. We actually had arguments in the past.
I just don’t stand the fact that there are GMs abusing their powers because they dislike someone or a guild.
As you can see from my tickets the reason the GM said to ban the player in question was said to be allowed in the past and there’s no other stance anywhere regarding that.
For instance, I asked back then regarding AFK farmers funneling resources into one account and that’s isn’t any normal type of transaction, and was allowed…
Or are the rules going to be bent, sometimes 10 gives you ban, sometimes 50, sometimes 100, sometimes 2?
Official STAFF member work right here. Nothing was abused. You need to make better preparations for your events. Make the rewards untradeable. Wow, that is a tough solution. I think you just got triggered, because your staff approached me with poor accusations and couldn’t ban me. He actually had no idea what the difference is between MAC and IP address, lol. You jumped to his defense and did this unnecessary investigation on my account. I’m glad all the other good-willed events you guys did were exploited by countless others too, and the one’s you messed up on, got tons of players slipping through the cracks of keeping things they shouldn’t have.
Removing a pillar must be super hard to fix. I was approached while farming, couldn’t get punished, so you fished for anything you could find to deem necessary in your eyes. I’ll be looking into IMC and calling this incidence in of how you handle things(since you magically popped up and have this god-complex attitude towards your die-hard players that somehow lasted this long). You guys warned for macro-using and AFK farming. I was not AFK. You guys sure are fond of special treatment, as evidenced by Crevox getting Zhwan banned for a party name insulting him. If you guys gave half of a ■■■■ about the harassment reports, this game would be fishing for 200players.
50+ accounts though Owo;;
i think that kinda breaks the eula somewhere along the way
Staff_Bob said it himself, he can bend the rules as he pleases. Corruption at it’s finest. I would expect this from a private server ex: Ragnarok Online Pserver, but this is official. Pretty alarming and eye opening if you ask me. I can now see why there’s so few players remaining on this game.
Where in the eula does it say that?
Where does it mention the maximum number of allowed accounts?
How can anyone be sure not to be banned in a few weeks, for something that is “Okay” now?