and then theres the question, what the hell are we even voting on? we know nothing of what we can spend the TP on, nothing about what this 60 day token will do, not even the release windows are clarified. sure we can guess because of the korean server but thats about it.
they updated their Q&A with:
Q. Will my vote on the current poll affect the release date?
A. No, it is very unlikely that it will affect the release schedule. Even if it does, it won’t affect it significantly.
but that still doesnt tell us anything. it can mean both yes and no
since the original plan was divided over 4 different release schedules.
so lets say option B gets chosen in the poll where all packs give a 1
month headstart, does that mean this falls under the “March” release
schedule, or under the “May” release schedule? IMC needs to be clear on
right now i have no clue whether i want to vote option B or C because the release dates arent clear.