Tree of Savior Forum

I cant see the Shouting messages

After the new patch updated. I cant see any shout on my screen even I try to tick or untick the box in the message setting.

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : everyday

Server Name: Verena

Team Name: TimeBreaker

Character Name: every char. in the team

Bug Description : as above

Hi @medidudegame! We would like to ask if this issue you have posted still persists. Please let us know through Support.

Yes I just post another topic a minute ago. Sry, just see ur post here. I need help GM. ><"

Hello again @medidudegame! Kindly try to restart your router and re-log from the game. Also, please disable any add-ons currently installed with your game as this maybe the reason you are experiencing this problem. If those workaround are not much of a help, please send us a ticket through Support to assist you further regarding this matter. It would be also better if you can provide screenshots included in your ticket.