Tree of Savior Forum

I can't believe

On klaipedia …

That Naidy(Sendy) archer.

Has been botting at Dina Bot Farm for over a month on channel 5 and the GMs still haven’t banned it. You GMs are so competent.

IMC should give report function some power

7 report = instant 24 hour ban
15 report in a week = instant 3 days ban
25 report in a week = (review for a permanent ban)

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Hmmm. What if reporting is being abused by players? For example, a guild started to report competition during boss hunt in order to get other players banned? I honestly don’t trust players more than I trust GMs.

you know what, i just thought about it after i made that post
Toxic player will always abuse stuff like this. I don’t think they particular hate each other, more like trolling and taking advantage of other players.

other possible use a verification pop-up instead of ban.

After all these quotes i ask you, why do you think it take so long and/or the Staff only work on the easier ones like GS spam?

That would be neat to abuse/troll on a boss fight or ET and get a bunch killed.

I have KSed this bot for hours and they just keep running around like a bot…

Walks like a bot, acts like a bot…might be a bot…

Because this won’t be exploited ever.

there is a game called dofus that allowed multi-clienting which is just having 2+ game windows open at the same time. in fact, some people did use multiple accounts as a pseudo-party.

in that game, i would often train both of my characters on the same map and often obtaining 2-3 of the mob spawns. the game is turn-based so it is obvious that i was not a bot since i had to take the time to control both characters actions and i always answered those captcha things correctly. unfortunately, i kept getting banned for no reason, unbanned 1-2 weeks later after going through support, and banned a few days later after trying to grind again.

never get banned when my characters are on separate maps or in low populated areas so i can only assume i was reported every time in that area. it’s better to have gms check the players than to have an auto-ban feature from a report that could happen to anyone since the game staff never spoke to me in-game.

To be fair a lot of players in Dofus/Wakfu hated multiboxers because it defeated the point of the game being an MMO since you could just make your own singleplayer parties. I don’t blame them for reporting the ■■■■ out of you. It’s sortof like the Necro AFK-grinders in ToS - not technically illegal, but you’re still a ■■■■.

was only happening in a f2p map when my subsciptions ran out. never heard that side of the story, but that game has never been a party game unless you want to go to harder areas that require groups or pvp. after a certain point, you can just solo a few dungeons for easy exp and loot.

i did group up for harder dungeons or the occasional exploration/grind with friends. i only really considered group content when i got my subscription back up, but i was a teen back then so i was like half p2p/f2p. still, i didnt think a f2p map was that important to people to report someone over when the exp in a p2p map was dozens of times better.

and it’s nothing like afk grind. i actually put in the effort to fight on multiple characters rather than someone who just lets the ai do everything while they watch tv or something.

I think it was a bigger issue in Wakfu since that game was based way more around running harder dungeons (AFAIK, I don’t know what endgame Dofus was like), and at a certain point it was really hard to play if you WEREN’T a multiboxer, because so many people were just playing solo with a full party of multibox characters.

I’m not saying multiboxing is the exact same as afk grinding, I’m saying people see it in the same way in that it violates the spirit of the game even if it isn’t ‘against the rules’.

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Rip me because of username