Tree of Savior Forum

I buy cosmetics I won't buy gacha

Just letting you (IMC) know.
I have 3 premium hairs and at least 5 or so outfits.
I’m happy to pay for cosmetic items and would continue to do so.
However I do not, never have and never will gamble.
It’s against my common sense.
I can understand the appeal of gacha to some and would normally just ignore it and choose not to partake it.
But removing current cosmetics from the TP shop and putting them in to gacha is going way too far.
You are limiting the options of players (nothing new there I guess) and turning the game in to more of a facebook candycrush style game than an mmorpg.
This will be one paying customer signing off if these changes go through as planned.


It seems that the doomsayers and IMC have a similar way of thinking.
Just big morons only buying TP in the dead and pitifully supervised game. So let ■■■■■■ them even more before IMC stop paying for servers and it will close with a warning the day before.

“Once the Goddess’ Blessed Cubes become available at the TP Shop, we plan to start releasing most new costumes and hair accessories exclusively through them. Premium costumes already sold at the TP Shop, excluding Circle 3 costumes and the Cockatrice costume, will be removed from the TP Shop and sold via Exchange Shop. As for newly-introduced premium costumes, we plan to release them for purchase only via Blessed Cube. After their release, cosmetic items sold via Blessed Cube will then eventually become available at the Exchange Shop, where they will be exchangeable for recycling points.”


IMC: we have done such a good job with our game we think we deserve more of your money.

Bad news IMC, you don’t deserve the money you have already received from us.

Its a super greedy money grab.

They should put new costumes in the gacha cube only then move them to the tp store after a month, not this bull ■■■■ exchange store that forces you to buy these cubes.

A warning a day before would imply slight competence, we know IMC isn’t capable of that.



blah blah blah, nobody is forcing you to buy anything in game… or just…

You would be able to get it silver btw, through auction. somewhere 3m below i think.

Thats not the issue, there are a lot of players that are willing to buy cosmetics, but not willing to GAMBLE for them.

I’ll do this instead

Oh wow… I was so far staying for the “non-iRo” way of cash shop… now that it gets there I will not spend anything on this game no more…

IMC, just wow…

Eh? That’s just stupid. This is not something I want to support.

The only thing is left to said by IMC is “Token also is going to be selling in the exchange shop”

Now token will be too from gatcha. Just waiting for this and look like people gonna rampage.

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