Tree of Savior Forum

I am looking for a nice filler class just a 1 off

as the title says I am looking for a nice filler for a wiz3 kino3 > rank ?? > sage w/o any elemental attributes…

(been making a project where i just get neutral dmg… w/o any elem base skills :smiley: )
yeah this my kind of hell… hahaha

any suggestions… ? :smiley:
I’ve been theme~ing this character to be a dimension witch thats why i chosen my specific skills to use… :smiley:

FF for healing or RC for Destruction and Giant ?

Better go for linker or alternative thauma… because all other classes are crap with only c1

Sorcerer - For the Cat buffs and a meat shield.

Cryomancer - For the wall combo, but I think that it will be against your theme.

Thaumaturge - Swell Arm and Shrink Body, for more damage and transpose for HP recovery (transpose + potion recovers all the HP after canceling transpose if high / full int).

Linker - Helps the mobbing with Joint + Knot.

Chronomancer - Makes you become the master of time and space… Just kidding, but the skill that stops monsters could give you even more crowd control.

Pyro c1 for enchant fire
Sorcer for cat and temple 2k dmg temple with 0spr in my tests
Linker c1 prob best also have fine synergy with earthwave from wizard

Linker would be the best since there’s no elemental and it’s actually useful.

And I suppose by “element base skills” you mean lightning/ice/fire/earth/etc., elements but… technically Kino does use an element, just a weird one :stuck_out_tongue: Spiritual or “soul” one: “Psychokinesis”.
Just nitpicking for the sake of it, don’t mind me~


hahaha… but its not an element… i consider psychokinesis as neutral… not elemental base… me as i understand elements… is fire water air earth

:smiley: well this brighten the thread… lol

yeah i was leaning for chrono… only choice… and going to get slow and stop… the only thing im debating now is what to get with the last 5 points… a quicken if no other chrono around or i’ll just get max reincarnate… :smiley:

I was also thinking of thaum couz of shrink+ swell combo and im part close range to mid range combat in using skills… sage skills requires me also to be close range…

so only choice for a good set up is chrono…

@game8bravo i think your only true choice is Linker

but at the end… you need to decide