Tree of Savior Forum

I am gonna be the unpopular guy and say it

OP, I wouldn’t say you’re the unpopular guy but rather you had the courage to bring it up. I thought about that too and we did push them to make the game available to cheaper than $50. Who knows, if they stuck with $50 founder packs then it would greatly deter current amount of gold sellers and give them more time to plan out available servers at non-early access.


And we get all of it at the f2p in one month.

btw the current problems atm wont appear during the 3 month EA. it will appear after the 3 month EA. plus the 3 month EA is unethical as many non-ToS gaming site have mention and discussed, that it would change western mmorpg EA practice if IMC got away with the 3 month EA.

like the koreans were testing ground ginea pigs for international players, we payed to test the game for f2p players. the moment i payed i knew i was gonna be a guinea pig.

my only regret is i did not follow my plan to purchase the game on the 2nd week since i expected these to happen on the 1st week. excitement got the best of me.


I agree, it’s more common sense so I doubt you’re alone on this thought.

The bugs are really the minor issues right now. Instances not loading isnt a bug, its due to ‘‘additional instances cant be launched’’- if your familiar with that term from WoW.

No that’s not true. Plenty of people did tell them they wanted the (payed early access) right away because they freed up vacation time etc, they would be disappointed otherwise.

No it would not have deterred the gold sellers. It did not deter them in B&S, nor BDO.

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imo its also their fault for announcing too early

they could’ve announced at may and gave us the 1 month beta till june then into release.


How are quest bugs/ market issue and other functionalities not working minor? They are already reported in CBT. I wasn’t even talking about the almighty commander load fail, obviously it appears after the channels started dying yesterday.

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also a reminder that Koreans did not pay for open beta.

#founders and f2p player played together at the same time in buggy open beta servers in kToS.

western gaming practice of EA is just a cash grab


Before the topic gets more response and it ends up bringing the issue" the game should have been B2P instead". INB4.

Also, I’m not sure what is exactly accomplished by this thread. Are we supposed to say, oh it’s entirely our fault that we let the $10/$30 guys play with us $50 peeps, they are the cause of all the server problems now.

That sounds so terribly unproductive to me. Also, the 3 month EA had its own can of problems as well, so it is very well that it was scrapped.

Not to mention, many of the fundamental problems with the game are not just due to server load. Some of them are due to intentionally bad game design decisions - trade, gold seller problems etc.

I’m not saying that your thread is wrong, but I think it needs to be more objective rather than just laying the entire blame on the playerbase.


i acutally support B2P ToS. and remove all the game restriction.


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i also suggested last year to let NEXON NA/EU to handle it because IMC will pretty much do the same model as nexon. but people continued to believe the IMC will no follow nexon’s cash model.

and here we are. IMC server with the same NEXON model.

they could have save their face since all the hate would go to NEXON not IMC


Wow, grab something to drink. I dont see that being said anywhere at all.
It’s the very objective observation that if less people were playing the server load would also be less.

Now I did purchase thje 50$ founder pack, but I would of only had payed for the 30$ at most in the original 3 month plan. (maybe even the 10$, new release at the end of this month after all)

Regardless, while it doesnt excuse the lack of enough servers (at launch), it would of avoided much of the server related problems, and people could instead focus on the bugs and what not. And the servers would likely be handled better when 30/10/F2P hit.

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also a reminder Imc didnt made an open beta for the international tos. It was need to be one but imc did an early access from it. We will not have an open beta .

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IMC cant you just change from “Free to Play” to “Pay to Play” via a monthly fee around 10 to 15 Dollar/Euro?

Or just make the game “Buy to Play”!

All the serber sode problems will hit hard the moment f2p star this way as well.