Tree of Savior Forum

I am a returning player

I have just signed in to my account for the first time in April but I didn’t realize that the event would only apply to those that have not logged in in this month. Did I just botch my chance at participating in the event? Also, is there a way to get a mod to allow me to join the event?

Send in a ticket explaining what happened. They may give you the boxes anyway. It doesn’t hurt to ask!

How do I do that? The inquiries page is down right now

Same thing happened to me, i haven’t touched the game in almost a year, i came back to play near the end of April, no returning player bonus.

Yeah, they don’t care. Same here. Send a ticket explaining everything. I can show you right now what they will answer you:

__Hi Savior!_

Thank you for contacting us and bringing this matter to our attention. Please be advised that the event for “Returning Players” main mechanic is that their team/character should not have logged in on the month of May before the start of the event.

For more details regarding this kindly visit our official website at:

Thank you for playing Tree of Savior!

Should you have any other concerns please let us know.

Tree of Savior Support Team!