Tree of Savior Forum

[Hydra's] Explosive Melee Thaumaturge Guide

This was my thaumaturge build during iCBT2. I know this is a little dated as I completely forgot to post this on the forums since it ended. XD

Everything is explained there. It’s a really fun build for those who wish to try it out. The seventh slot isn’t filled in yet as I’m still debating on what would make the build better for that last spot. I’m was thinking either featherfoot for sustainability, alchemist for awakening items and profit, or warlock for that multihit pillar/spirit circle. :thumbsup:


Please, show us your last build. I’d love to see it.

You mean the final form of this one? I will update it sometime when I get some OBT experience and test/see the new classes.

I will actually be making another melee thaumaturge guide which is really gimmicky and strong in theory but it still needs testing. Look forward to it. :nerd:


Pyromancer 2 … as rank5? why not trauma 2, so that you get to trauma 3?

During iCBT2 when this build was tested I felt that the extra DPS coming from my pyromancer skills in addition to more damage from enchant fire + extra hits from flame pillar were more beneficial than thaumaturge C3’s arm buffs. In addition to this, you have no INT with this build so the extra DPS from your pyromancy skills helps a lot more during late game than just solely relying on your explosions and auto attack damage.

Hmm sounds fun.

But i hope you plan in that lategame mobs hit you really often and really hard ^^.

From where did toy hammer drop again.
I always forget… gonna use da search function anyways.
But you might just add that too, so it’s known to any that want to try this build.

Edit: It’s earth archon. Fieldboss.

You could put 1 point of fire wall for the attribut