Tree of Savior Forum

Hunter improvements

Lately, there have been a lot of improvements regarding summoning-based Classes, which improved their performance quite a lot.

That’s why I’d like to suggest to do the same thing to Hunter:

  • add extra SPR-scaling to the companions normal attacks/attack skills

  • revise the companions HP to be also affected by the Hunters SPR; companions have a lot less HP compared to summons

  • add the same 3 control skills that Necromancer, Bokor and Sorcerer have to the Hunters skill tree and have them affect the Hunters companion for better controls and to prevent the companion from bugging out

  • change the scaling of Hunters skill “Praise” to add percentage-based boosts (e.g. boosts attack,attack speed, critical rate by 3xskillevel%) instead of the current flat values

  • add the riding attribute to Hunter C2 (the one Hackapella and Schwarzer Reiter have) , so that he can sit on his companion without getting unmounted every time he’s sitting on a mountable companion, taking a hit; it’s pretty strange that the only companion-focused Class in the whole Archer tree is unable to ride on them


  • make the companion untargetable on your own character; this mechanic really sucks because sometimes you can’t switch targets easily and if you’re playing with a controller and are immovable due to Kneeling Shot/Bazooka,you just can’t get another target.
    That feeding/petting via targeting is so useless because it also can be done via makro/key combination[petting doesn’t even have any effect at all, so why bother with this thing if it just obstructs your own targeting?

This is especially crappy on Hunter C3 if your pet is using Growling…


While it could be cool to have more options on stats investment, I’m note sure it’s a good idea to base SPR for extra damages/HP increase of the pet, because it’s going to be the only class in Archer tree which requires SPR to improve DPS/Tank. It’s not like Wizards and Clerics which have a good use of SPR on multiple classes (Pyro,Thaum,Sorcerer,Enchanter/Cleric,Priest,Krivis,Bokor). And Archers don’t have a lot of gears for SPR.

Falconer ?

Falconer has hanging shot to “ride” it pet.

I perhaps have been playing hunter for too long, also, I’m unaware what those controls you’re talking about are, but, I find controling the pet to be really easy, you cast any of your skills and the pet goes after your target, that’s a great level of control there.

There are a couple of things that hold this back, if I list them they would be:

  1. Unclear valid activation area (your pet is the catalyst, and it will only trigger the skills once it is close enough to an enemy)
  2. Horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible path finding. The AI is non existant, and I’ve disabled its auto attacks, so the only thing that holds it back is: really bad path finding, when your pet is chasing the last known position of an enemy, you know that it is bad path finding.

Riding is not that necesary, and it would imply that all skills would have to be reworked to support a riding enviroment. They are way too lazy for that.

I dunno why I would want SPR scaling on a pet, that is not summoned by me, I also don’t want to split my stats even further.

I support true % for praise though.

Still not riding attribute.

well, Falconer isn’t even a real companion Class as the Falcon does nothing on its own and has no useful item slots. Also, riding the Falcon would surely look strange…

The SPR-scaling could be added to Falconer,too,though, why not.
I just think that the skills and companions are scaling pretty badly,
even one of my zombies at low SPR deals more damage than the Hunters companion.

Also, if we compare Bokor and Hunter, which are both at least half-companion/summon based Rank 3 Classes, Bokor is several times as effective, because he has access to more than 1 Zombie, they have better A.I., more HP,more Aspd,are faster and stronger.

Basically, one zombie is equal to the Hunters companion, and his damage can be easily improved by investing into Ogouveve and SPR, while the Hunter has to pay millions of silver for a few points of attack via stats upgrade and equipment upgrade (yeah, putting 2x +21 weapons on a companion to have some damage is such an easy task…) to have his companion deal at least some okish damage.

However, these investments don’t benefit the Hunter himself at all; SPR-scaling would at least boost the SP recovery from potions, max SP and natural SP recovery rate, which is a great benefit if the build also features Rank 7+ Classes that have really high SP-costs for their skills.

What’s even better is the fact that the system is already properly working (i.e. the summon damage scaling via the characters SPR), so it would be easily expandible to include Hunter,too.

And you don’t have to put points into SPR at all, noones forcing you. There are e.g. many Bokor builds focusing on INT to deal more damage with the other Class skills than with zombie autoattacks.
The same would apply to Hunter, his companions attacks and skills would indeed scale with SPR but he’d not be forced to go full SPR just to make his Hunter decent but his other Classes bad.

In contrast, putting some points into SPR would have a huge benefit, so people would have less disadvantages from spreading their stats a little.

And why not, Cleric and Wizard already have their SPR-builds; why not make Hunter>Falconer a potential SPR-build,too(just a reminder, it wouldn’t get worse without SPR but better with SPR)?

Only you seem to think it would get better with spr scaling, please, put a formula or something.
Remember we’re talking IMC here, it will backfire.

Anyway, the pet does not require SPR when I look at it, you could add an attribute for the pet to benefit from the archer’s attack, they’ve already done the inverse, having the pet contribute 30% of its own attack towards certain skills. This would scope to only hunter, since knowing them, it would probably add spr scaling to benefit all companions with no hunter.

Hunter’s pet is a unit to be commanded, the skills we already have do that, not a unit that takes decisions on its own (thank god, imagine how worse it would be if it did that), right now all scaling from the skills come directly from the archer, plus a little laughable contribution from the pet’s atk.

In this case, to make the companion better and resilient, I feel that an attribute that enhances its HP and defense capabilities is needed, this attribute should scale per hunter circle, also an enhancement to companion first aid would be great.

Anyway, what you seem to desire the most is an auto attacking companion, for this, we’d need a script to override the current companion behaviour, to make it stop selecting its own targets and go straight for the archer’s current target (only if it is alive, they… seem to mostly forget that bit)

I find hunter has great damage in both coursing and retrieve, rush dog is slightly worse compared to sonic strike from falconer. The only thing that damage’s hunter in its current design, is the heavy single target focus and the presence of enemies that can completly ignore hunter’s skills.

I mean, just coursing at lv 1 deals 211% of your attack, 11 times across 5.5 seconds. Since the rebalance, hunter does deals some decent amount of damage, but the design of the skills hold it back a lot, I mean, who are we helping with coursing / retrieve? usually holding 1/8 of the enemies that die within seconds, means nothing.

And enemies come in packs, each one is so weak that holding 1 is not reducing the threat at all… While growling could hold the whole group (growling is amazing) unless they’re cc immune. So the true nature of hunter in a party is revelead at rank 3, and even then there’s only one place where it is “needed” in party play.

It didn’t backfire on Bokor,though…
Bokors own damage skills are very strong, but his boost on zombie autoattacks via SPR is amazing, it’s ~0,5% more damage per point invested in SPR for up to 8 zombies at once.
If we get a quarter of that scaling for Hunter, e.g. 1 % more companion damage per point in SPR, the companions autoattacks could deal real damage and maybe it could directly affect the skills via the added attack attribute of Hunter,too.

Given the new 350 gears can have any random stat, even 0 base SPR investment would be able to net you 100-200 SPR, so 2-3 times the normal companion damage could be achieved, which would be a great addition while not breaking the game or making SPR mandatory for a build which is not based around Hunter.

This is too strong because it directly is affected by your transcendence investment. It’s also stupid because the companion already has its own weapons to equip, so why would a better equipment on your side make the companion stronger?

It has to be based on stats, because they are somewhat limited in their amount (statpoints, cards, equipment boni), and of all Stats only INT,CON,and SPR don’t affect the Hunters damage, so it has to be one of these stats for obvious balancing reasons.

Of all these stats, SPR seems to be the best way to improve the character, because it has a high value for all higher-Ranked Classes due to improved SP recovery and status resistance.
CON would be ok,too, but it would obviously be hard to counterbalance for PVP and PVE-wise, the character would get too bulky.
INT is obviously a no-go area, because Archers can’t make any use of matk and the stat has no other benefit (being intelligent doesn’t pay out for ya on the long run xD)…

As I’ve said, they already did something similar, and it is limited by %, so it would not be too OP. Anyway, SPR on bokors and summoner class works because their summons inherit summon stuff, for a companion to inherit summons properties they would have to remake them.

Instead, the addition of an attribute can easily be done, and if you think adding spr scaling by attribute is valid, well… it is, but still I see no reason why to increase the damage of my companion I should increase my SPR.

So having an attribute that increases the companion’s auto attack damage by an increased % by class circle would add a parallel side of progression that’d be nice.

Anyway you bring a point I’ve desired for ever: more than one companion at once.

Anyway: since you point out that it doesn’t make sense that my weapons should increase my pet’s damage, and neither increasing my SPR makes any sense at all.

Let’s add an attribute that increases companion’s auto attack by 100% per hunter circle unlocked. Then it would make sense by “training the companion better” per hunter circle.

It would work like a permanent running shot on the companion.

this right here!
My pets want to be used

this can work. a pet with praise (and +2 bow) already attacks pretty fast




Well, this could also work, but I doubt there will be such an improvement <_<

Best would be to just increase all stats of the companion by 100% per circle and the HP a little more so that the companion can actually take some hits without getting instantly destroyed.

Also, the silver-sinking via companion trainer should be removed if it’s just as crappy as it’s currently. Equipping even a crappy armor/weapon without any upgrade is worth dozens of millions of silver spent onto improving the stats.
What so hard about giving companions a useful stat scaling per level and freely adjustable stat points similar to player characters when they level up?
e.g. new system:

STR: improves accuracy,crit chance,attack
INT: increases chance to autocast a Hunter skill (Rush Dog/Retrieve/Snatching/Coursing)
CON: improves block, max HP, recovery by pet food
DEX: improves critdamage, Aspd, movement speed
SPR: improves status resistance, increase chance recover from ailments/knockdown/knockback instantly,reduces stamina useage when autocasting Hunter skills

Making the companion trainer a new gimmick for missions similar to how the current monster tamer event works and your companion has to fight a monster on its own and win to recieve some additional boost could be a great enhancement.

It would be basically a rank-up test where you have to pay silver to enter and let your companion fight the boss and afterwards recieve a stat boost/utility boost.

But this would be something for the future, like 1-2 years later, given the dire state of the game and the insignificance of the companions in the game for any unmounted Class…

I think it boils down to : “it’s not a cleric” :tired:

The mere fact that companions are just the same when with a hunter is signal enough, that they did not truly design a companion class. It took them a year to even implement skills that targetet what the archer was looking at, instead of the old “cast a skill, pet chooses” (from the beta, to last year hunter update)

Since then, I do not remember any changes being made to this class at all (other than the damage change for everything, and coursing, retrieve and snatching nerf, poor snatching). It’s obvious that they do not have a team large enough, it probably is the single guy, and he, probably thinks hunter and the companion system is perfect as is.

I’ve also desired for a long time a “companion class tree”, it obviously doesn’t have to be complex or anything, but allowing a companion to specialize in either damage, tanking or healing for their owner would add value to both hunter and non hunter, since right now they’re just a sprite with a tag name, in other words… useless. (And perhaps they could make homunculus borrow from this, plus the assigned skills they already get, and perhaps… make them not expire)