Tree of Savior Forum

Hunter Feedback / Bugs / Complains / Suggestions

Pet skills fail to cast.
One of the reasons is, probably, pet being too far away from you or from what you think it’ll try to attack.
Well, it’s the minor issue.
The other reason seems to be connected to Pet’s or Mob’s TRUE position being different from clients information. I figured that out, coz some times, than skill has failed to cast, if you move the mob 1 cell toward your pet - skill will be casted. That’s definitely positioning problems or range requirement of pet skills. It fails often, if pet is chasing the mob.

Pet’s HP is not updated properly. The only reliable way to know how much HP’s left - to Pack/Unpack it.

[Coursing] makes your pet stuck until full duration of the skill is over, despite target’s death.
If you use [Retrieve], while pet is still stuck - with high probability - pet’s AI will be dead after that. It’ll stay in place doing nothing. Packing/Unpacking or using any skills won’t fix it. The only way is to change map/channel or relog.

The pet is hardly ever attacks, if you are circling around mobs via [Swift Step] attacking.
It attacks far more, if you are melee or just sitting there in [Kneeling Shot] stance.
The first pet’s attempt to attack mob will fail in 99% - it’ll run past the mob and attack the empty space behind it.
If mobs are chasing you - later attacks, (if pet finally decides to attack) will most likely fail as well.

There’s no way to turn off [Pointing]. So, once you use it, your pet won’t use normal attacks for 90 seconds. It can also start trying aggro unnecessary mobs.

There are places, where pet can’t go through:

  • lvl 90 dungeon - stairs to the southern part, where you enter water
  • Pelke Shrine Ruins - after Collapsed Hall you go to the centre of the map - pet can’t go past the collapsed platforms/stairs
  • the same Pelke Shrine Ruins - it can get stuck on random places of the outer lining platform near Samsonas NPC and Obelisk of Questions.
    Near Collapsed Hall in Pelke Shrine Ruins it atleast teleport after you later, but near NPC Samsonas or in Dungeon - it stays there.

Pet doesn’t recover Stamina on feeding in Dungeons. That’s a pain in the ass.

Coursing damage/armor debuff information seems to be wrong.
At skill level 2 it says to reduce target’s armor by 20, skill damage is 162.
But it deals 4 damage less. I didn’t test on other skill levels, so it’s either -16 armor (not -20) or +158 damage (not +162). I don’t really want to level up Coursing, in its current state, to confirm, which one is right.

Snatching, Coursing, Retrieve, Rush Dog - are all Strike type damage. I don’t really have any complaints yet balance-wise, but… It wouldn’t be strange for skills other than Rush Dog to be Pierce type, right? I mean, it’s biting the target, right?
Also, normal pet attack is non-type… huh… boring

Now, complaint time.

Hunter’s pet consumes character slot.
And by doing so, what does it provide?

  • It’s often behind you in level, due to use of exp cards.
  • It barely use normal attacks, if you are mobile archer.
  • The only Pet Skill that scales of pet’s stats is [Rush Dog].
  • It’s expansive to upgrade pet’s attack.
    So, do I feel like Pet costing 1 character slots is justified?
    No. I don’t.

Pet Skills target anything closest to hunter.
It includes Pillars, Caltrops, any traps.
It includes non-flying targets for Snatching.
It includes Boss-enemies for Coursing/Retrive.
Any nearest thing.
This forces Hunter (archer, right?) to engage melee combat for necessary control of the pet. That is ridiculous.

The only way to send your pet to use your skill on not the closest target is with mouse mode.
It’s possible probably because mouse mode is buggy as hell:
you click on mob you need and instantly use pet skill
Game will probably think you walked there and it’s the closest and pet will use skill on it.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Other complain is:

Holding 2 mobs together with Retrieve(one) and Coursing(another) was actually fun, while it was possible.
How about giving us Cerberus pet, with ability to hold up to 3 targets with Retrieve/Coursing?

But a little bit more serious thoughts.
Coursing, Retrieve, Snatching - they all are very similar.
It’s boring.
They basically are doing the same thing.
More over, Retrieve & Coursing being hard CC is overkill.
More over, Retrieve & Coursing being unusable vs Bosses sucks.
And Pointing is a joke itself. Snatching is too powerful vs flying monsters and useless otherwise.
I’d suggest to merge those and give Hunter more variety of pet attacks.
Let’s say, new “Pointing/Coursing”, that is not a CC, but a slowing debuff.
Than new “Retrieve” that can be used, while “Pointing/Coursing” and is a CC + pull.
Than something like Bite? Can be used while “Pointing/Coursing” for extra damage, plus some interesting debuff? Yeah, and may be not Strike damage, coz all hunter pet skills are Strike damage currently.
It would be so much more fun, if Rush Dog would be not stupid instant-teleport to target, but would rather work like Rodelero’s Shield Charge, but a faster version.
Hounding is boring, but no ideas here.
Growling shouldn’t be a “Growling AI”, but rather normal AoE fear with overheat system.

But the most desirable things for me as a hunter would be:

  • pet skill usage on selected targets, not the closest
  • pet move command to get this stupid dog out of deadly AoE
  • pet normal attacks to hit something other than air

I’m yet to know the pain of being a Falconeer, so… more post incoming soon.

I know you are busy with economics/bots/other classes, but pls, send few guys to fix a few QoL things for Hunter, it won’t take long:

  • fix dead pet AI after bugged Coursing-> Retrieve
  • fix Couring not ending if target dies
  • feeding pet in dungeon
  • pet’s hp update
    and lower priority:
  • debug and find the reason of pet’s being stuck on several maps (like stairs in lvl90 dung)

Sincerely yours, wannabeagamedesigner idea boy.

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You sure will have a worst character ever named Hunter3-Falconer2

Welcome to the club, enjoy your stay :smile_cat:

I’m fine with it.