Tree of Savior Forum

Hunter buggy companion most of the times

Hi I’m an archer in ToS and I enjoy playing it, one thing though I’m not sure if the devs are aware but The archer rank 3 class hunter skills are buggy, to be exact it’s the companion that is buggy it walks back and forth a lot of times when you use any hunter skills in general this happens most of the times. There are other times when my companion would just walk back and forth until I kill the monster I’m trying to use the skill on without it actually performing the skill.

Rush dog and coursing not bugged, only poiting the companion take random target zzzz

Sometimes he decide to not attack and run away and stop follow u. When u use coursing need wait to use another skill

Not bugged? Seriously?

  1. Rush dog doesn’t always make the dog attack the target you aim (he tends to go to the target closest to him). (also happens to snatching)

  2. Rush dog makes the dog attack stupid stuff like traps, calltrops, etc. (which can make it really annoying in some boss fights or the level 50 dungeon for example)

  3. Coursing doesn’t end when the mob dies (haha, it’s not bugged at all. taking lvl 15 coursing means your dog will be stuck in the dead body of the enemy for 35 friggin seconds. 35 seconds where he will be completely useless. taking the skill higher level is a high risk reward because you tend to “lose” your dog stuck there during the whole skill duration).

  4. Dog sometimes doesn’t interrupt his own attack animation to do your skills. That means he’ll ignore the fact you wanted him to rush dog to deal a nice damage and instead he’ll keep attacking the mob for his awesome (sarcasm) damage.

  5. None of the skills work if the dog is far from you (and the range the dog needs to be close to you is not that big). That means when moving around and trying to make your rush dog, you have to actually wait for your dog to move up close to you first. Oh, what if he decides to engage into battle and run away from you? Too bad. You go where your dog goes, if he decides to move accross the battlefield to attack a calltrop, so be it.

  6. You can’t feed dogs inside dungeons. Yeah, forgot to feed that little -insert female dog word here- ? Too bad, now you gotta have to wait till next dungeon to use him again, cause well, he’ll move like a slug and you’ll have to wait even more now to be able to use your skills until he catches up to you.

  7. You can’t heal the dog at all. When he starts dying, all your skills become useless cause he’ll just keep dying over and over again (you can’t use your skills while he’s stunned). It’s insanely annoying to have to be close to your dog AND checking wether he’s stunned or not to be able to cast your skills (not to mention he might just go like nah i won’t do it mastah). Oh okay, first aid attribute. In the middle of a dungeon i’ll just tell my party to sit and chit-chat for 10 minutes until my dog can heal himself again. Wait… Hmmm… But he might get hungry within that time… So I guess i’ll just have to fee-- Nevermind.

  8. God, it’s not even a dog.


also i can say there should be a difference between hp and stamina, expample:

My dogs take damage and his HP goes down, he should be stunned for a while only, but it happen when HP drop to 0 to lose all stamina too, making pet almost always non attacking.

for expample, my pet is lvl 115 i’m lvl 142 if i feed my pet and go kill monster in map my dog after 2-3 shoots will lose all HP (and for this stamina too) and stop do any skill or attack, if i feed him again is the same thing 1-2 shoots and stamina drops to 0.

we need a division between stamina and hp, if pet lose hp dont have to lose stamina too, just take a malus and be unable to move for a few time like 30 sec, this will be usefull in pvp too if u kill pet can be “safe” for a while and im alost sure will fix all the rest of bugs of pet.

Hunter’s abbilities need some fix, for example “Pointing” abbitlity, when you use it, pet just run away:D and you cant use other ablities, until the “Pointing” end. (Sorry for my bad english).

lol it’s not even a dog I don’t even what kind of animal it is

Welcome to the most buged class in all mmo I’ve played.


We need make a post reporting all bugs about that. Do it, pls hahaha. We can help them to help us.

yes its very buggy, and very weak, pet lost hide skills, 30-40% time not fight only stay, and use skills not reaction, and soo stupid AI pet = 10/100

id be ok with the bad ai if first aid or any mechanic did something to the survival they die so often in higher content no way to heal em other than food which doesn’t stop them dying can die right after u feed em disabling all the skills I made the mistake of going hunter falconer lol i think subconsciously im a glutton for punishment

It’s intentional that the pet goes for the closest target rather than the one you selected. It’s like this for all of the hunter skills.

The only real bug is coursing and the dog randomly getting stuck and not using any skills or moving. Also the random teleports when you use rush dog quickly followed by retrieve/coursing. I’ve almost died multiple times due to retrieve ending early because the pet teleported to me and retrieve ended.

They also really need to make it so that food gives both stamina and hp rather than giving hp after full stamina.

Praise is also borderline useless, they should just make it heal the pet instead based off of your phys attack…

Pointing is also useless, since it’s flat and will never scale.

mass heal = revive ur dog :DD

A game developed for years = buggy skills on Hunter, a bad design on Physical Link. Stupid design on Fireball. Bad scaling on a lot of skills, slow spawn. So many problems in this game that was developed for years. :)!

Any bug fixed?? Show your responsibility IMC

this bug exist for a year now?

i just started playing and already found a lot of bugs but this companion bug is the worst!

sometimes when i use hunter skills, my companion freezes on the map and wont move from that spot
i have to move to another area or change “channel” to debug it myself

making a script which runs when it occurs would be simple
so make it work

then make a rework on hunter skills
coursing needs higher range for the companion to “activate” since if the enemy is running away the companion just moves, stops, moves, stops until the enemy stops so the companion can use the skill
also this skill doesnt work all the time and your companion just stands next to the enemy waiting for something to happen…

all hunter skills should only take SP when it actually “activates” not when the companion is out of range and your SP just get wasted while also putting those skills on cooldown

shame on you that you leave a bug like this ingame for so long

I mean the bug will exist as long as they don’t change the AI, they haven’t done so since the beta. it is the same AI, difference is now you can turn off auto attack so it becomes a bit more reliable.

As for how to fix it, no longer you need to switch area, here a video on how to fix it

The explanation on how to fix it is on the 2 minute, also, welcome once more to despair.

Ah yes, my advice, heavy shot is mandatory as a hunter. the pathfinding is horrible and so if you cast a skill, the pet won’t go after the enemy until it moves. Heavy shot will knock it back and freeze it in place for a bit, ideal to jump start the already casted hunter skill.