Tree of Savior Forum

Huehues for Change

Every time you say hue, huehue, or even huehuehue, please also paste this link:

UPDATED: For the love of God—IMC get around to this

I do not care if the thread has nothing to do with bugs, if the thread is positive or negative, or even completely unrelated—if you have the time to huehue, please paste this link as well. IMC is doing what IMC does best, and that is ignoring issues and their customers. Issues such as this one have existed since the start of the game, and have been ignored at every opportunity for too long. By pasting this link you are helping to make it harder to ignore. Thousands of people around the world die of starvation each and every day, but you can help me to get IMC to fix a bug right now.

Please. Paste this link, and together we can make a difference.


After this issue, I promise I will crusade on other issues as well, because this sh*t is getting ridiculous.

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Sorry to burst your bubble, but the only thing you will get or anyone who goes on a past spree is a warning.

They don’t care because they can’t fix it, many bugs that came from the first iCBT still rolling around, they don’t have knowledge of how to fix their own codding.

Unfortunately it is the sad truth.

They hid the Sadhu thread from view and you don’t think they will just do the same thing to your thread or eventually nuke it? Having traffic to your thread doesn’t mean it’s going to motivate them to fix it. lmao

This stuff is done on purpose and they are so shameless it’s funny.

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It is true that there are a ton of bugs from the first iCBT. Whether they know how to fix the issues or not, though, doesn’t change the fact that the issues are still there in the first place. I think all of us have been desensitized by this company and are taught to just accept things for the way they are instead of asking questions and expecting results.

If I go to McDonald’s and they give me a raw burger, and I raise the point that “Hey, my burger is undercooked” then I expect that they will replace the burger with one that is correctly cooked. If they do not, then I will provide evidence by placing the burger on the table, proving that it is still raw, and then speak to a manager to resolve the issue.

What we are doing as customers with IMC is allowing them to feed us under-cooked sh*t for over a year without raising enough ruckus. In the McDonald’s analogy, IMC would tell us, despite the evidence against them, that the burger is not under-cooked, and slap it back in our face with a blank and vapid smile. Would you go back to IMC’s burger joint if that was the service and quality you received?

Why do we accept these long-standing bugs when IMC is perfectly content to ignore us and pump out more styles of hats and costumes to sell? Isn’t that the least bit upsetting? Even as customers, the very lifeblood of everything they do, we are treated as if we are the stupidest little sheep. You want issues fixed? Here is a ribbon hair accessory for you to buy with real money, please support us for some reason.

I’d rather have the thread killed than bend over for IMC. Bug after bug after bug—it is amazing there is a game at all here when every day the customer has to endure countless issues just to get past the character select screen at times.

Hmm, as far as i can see, no one was taught a thing here except for not expect anything from this company, also, we don’t see any trust, transparency and respect from their side.

I keep saying this and will repeat till the end, I will only believe in anything they say when they show the results.

Tomorrow’s patch will cause a huge uproar, they talk about optimization but limit the access to the game in crowded servers?

I don’t get their logic behind that, if it is to make the server more stable, then that is the limit of their capacity as a developer.

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And there’s thousands of threads they just ignore and hide all the time giving generic copy and paste responses. They’ve been doing it since forever now and don’t seem to be showing signs of stopping any time soon. Their whole forum “update” stands as a testament to that statement and only preparation to sweep old problems under the rug so people coming from the mobile remake can’t see the hell on earth here.

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Eh, I just logged out of the game. Between not being able to change channels, and spending hours trying to convert monsters and getting them all locked/frozen and then losing those hours, I just have to throw in the towel. Maybe I will make my return to ToS in another 6 months, but, for now, it doesn’t look like the future is getting any better under IMC’s (lack of) direction.

Darkon’s wishlist: IMC sells all its shares to Grinding Gear Games, where customers matter and bugs are nearly non-existent.

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