Tree of Savior Forum

Hows pyro fairing today?

as the quest is asked…

Hows pyro doing in the updated dmg balance?
also I read somewhere that pyro was going to have a rework again? (confused)
note: not sure if it was the R9 update on skills topic i read that one …

and did anyone play around with a pyro, sorc by chance on the latest dmg calculations?? I am also curious about that… thanks

We wait on the rebalance info. If it gets nothing it’s screwed as it is a dps class with hardly any dps. It is r2-4 making it worse dps than every other dps option.

pyro is a filler dps class, it sucks compared to other dps classes but it’s also the only proper dps class you can “complete” within rank3

anyway that said I main a wiz1 pyro2 thaum1 sorc2 wl2 and I’m able to do all content decently including WBs and Solmiki. Pyro doesn’t really make a big impact in this build but it’s also a better choice compared to wiz3 or cryo2

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It definitely needs a rework IMO, it’s actually only useful for enchant fire and fire pillar (to controls mobs a little).
Its C2 synergy with elementalist is not that great and it means you have to give up surespell and quick cast
Fireball is meh and i took it because of burning attribute (too bad there are not cards that increase damage vs burnt target)

if pyro just a filler for sorc? :smiley: couz i already have 2 cryos hahaha… im looking for that base for the sorce, to alch… :smiley:

It’s also a filler for Enchanter when Rank9 will come

i was also wondering if the fire ball still dies after one use or is it back like the old one that can multi hit if someone stands beside it… after the new dmg calculation patch… i dont know much of the other characters… that’s why i am asking…

bdw if thats your rank build, may i ask whats your stat build? I see dmg class so you need int but sorce needs spi for summon… I am curious whats your stat balance for that build of yours… thanks… <3

hmm, here’s a summary for pyro then:

fireball -> 1 hit, decent aoe, 5 OH
falls out late game, level 1 is enough because it scales badly

firewall -> 5 hits per flame tile, creates more flame tiles when leveled.
always max this skill, pretty decent quick spell to drop on bosses

enchant fire -> adds one line of damage to auto attack, also grants additional fire property damage
always max, this buff at least adds fixed damage to all your hits. stacked with enchant lightning, blessing, additional property damage from gear, kite moor set etc. you can easily reach 5k+ fixed damage per hit which is pretty good combined with multi hit skills like summon familiar, dark theurge, pole of agony etc.

flare -> highest skill factor skill from pyro, but still kind of a waste of skill slot and time to cast.

fire pillar -> flinch-locks enemies in place, decent sized AoE
good enough at level 1

flame ground -> ground DoT filler skill
good enough at level 1

hell breath -> channeled skill with low skill factor
waste of time casting this

in summary pyro has a decent sweet spot at c2. instead of going c3 it’s better to take thaum1 imho. The only thing pyro has going for it is you will have skills that you can use on bosses, unlike wiz3 and cryo2 (or even 3) which don’t really give you anything better for bosses specifically (aside from ice wall but people will hate you if you use that in WB). That being said fire pillar is actually decent CC and enchant fire can scale with SPR which actually makes it a decent alternative to cryo3 if you’re going with sorc or enchanter

@game8bravo my build is full SPR, and uses a lot of multi hit skills like fire pillar, fire wall, flame ground, summon familiar, pole of agony, dark theurge, mastema. I also use kite moor set to further increase additional property damage. thaum1 gives you slightly over 1point of matk per point of SPR with swell left arm level 5 which is essentially like turning half your spr into int


thank you for your feed back… :slight_smile: I’ll think about it while im farming for now…

If they changed hell breath to just do damage instantly (maybe a dot) and make fireball ranged the class would be fine.
As now fireball is a joke and you have to work out your way to make the others skills work properly, the damage is fine for a low circle tho.

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It’s good than swordsman classes at early levels but falls off very hard at end game contents. Reason is because of pyros mutiple multi hit AOE skills that could abuse blessings so much. I leveled one to farm monster energy and it’s now lvl 240 without worries. Pyro3, soc1, Necro. Very cheap and cost efficient to lvl.

About rework, it would be good if we can bring pyro in ET again. Being low rank class is poor excuse for it not to be viable at end game contents. We know how strong Cleric heal is, how strong highlander is and how strong Multi shots with Circling is, there is no reason why Pyro shouldnt be like that as well.


You can legit go pyro2 elementalist. It’s just that, when spending 80m on gear, an highlander2/3 rotation will easily kill a pack on fields and a pyro2/3 will be a pain in the ass to setup.

I’m thinking of making a pyro sub, which might be able to have the “masterclass” feature implemented in future


-Pyro3 since it is the main focus of this class
-Thauma3 to boost Pyro damage since it is weak now as compared to other classes such as Ele3 and WL2

Problem is I’m not sure of my last 2 ranks, whether I should go Shadow2/Sage2/Enchanter2

  • Shadow2 have nice short CD skills, but do the skill have low AOE? It does have other good utility as well though
  • Sage2 I can setup portal shop, and ultimate dimension gets a new attribute that makes it stronger, although I’m not sure how much more dmg it actually does
  • Enchanter2 provide many good buffs now. Problem is I do not have much skill to deal damage with, and without linker I can’t burst down mobs quick

At the moment, I’d say dropping one rank of Thauma (you’d wanna build INT anyway sicne pyro needs as much damage help as it can get, so no SPR for big head buff) and getting linker 1 - thauma 2 - enchanter2 would probably help you out the most.

You can build that as INT and capitalize on Pyro 2-3 skills with AA instead of the horrible fireball as main source of damage.

That’d be a maxed Enchant Fire/Lightning build, with thauma arm buffs (lvl 10 and 5 are strong enough + INT build), linker + swell combo for farming up to 6 targets at once (gonna need joint penalty gem, which’s not that hard to find nor expensive usually), plus it’s super cheap in terms of SP consumption. i guess gameplay would be smoothy enogh as well, without any relevant downtime.