Tree of Savior Forum

How will the cash shop work?

Do we have any solid information on this? I’ve seen a few people mention mechanics behind it, yet I wish we knew a little bit more about it. Maybe some people do indeed have this information?

I honestly am not looking for any information about what’s in the cash shop, but more-so how purchases work, can TP be traded, can it be exchanged for in-game money, can in-game money be exchanged for TP?

Sorry if the information is out there, but the “cash shop” is a super hot topic and most information gets lost quickly. Thanks in advance for any direction to answers, or having the answer yourself!

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If IToS roll with the standard model of cash shop, it’s safe to assume that:

1 - You have to purchase one of the TP bundles that will be available on Steam and then use said TP to buy items on the in-game Cash Shop.

2 - No TP cannot be traded, but it might be possible to gift TP bundles to friends.

3 - It can’t be exchanged for in-game money directly but some of the cash shop items might be tradeable so you can just buy an item and sell it through the Market.

4 - No it can’t, however, if your TP is 4 or lower you gain 1 TP every 4 hours.


So I don’t confuse anyone, let me just preface this with a statement from IMC:

  • The composition of items at the TP shop and their prices may differ from the Korean version.

There is currently not much information about what those differences are, but in the Korean Version:

  • TP can not be traded
  • TP can not be exchanged directly for in-game money. It can however be used to purchase Tokens which can be sold to other players for in-game money.
  • In-game money can not be directly exchanged for TP. You can purchase tradable Cash Shop items, like Tokens, off other players or the auction house though. Not all TP items are tradable, and I am not sure which are and which aren’t.

I know you are not looking for it, but here is also a list of the kToS Cash Shop items:


  • The composition of items at the TP shop and their prices may differ from the Korean version.
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So far:

  • 19$ monthly fee / token / premium status
  • pay to win hats with stats
  • hair styles (cosmetic)
  • costumes (cosmetic)
  • no actual international servers
  • exp boosts
  • megaphones
  • instant resurrects

More info here:

That is the Korean cash shop, don’t get confused, the iToS Cash Shop may be different:

  • The composition of items at the TP shop and their prices may differ from the Korean version.

I hope staff release a patch note soon^tm :yum:

Thank you for the information. I do appreciate it. What exactly are the Tokens used for? I looked at the database but I cannot read the item and it doesn’t have an English translation.

@iEden - Yep, Thank you for the information as well.

@celexample - the only thing I’m rather hoping doesn’t make it out to our version is this bad boy. Would be annoying when just grinding with friends who want to go sanic faast

They are still laughing.

Just not at the question.

:money_mouth: :money_mouth: :money_mouth: :money_mouth: :money_mouth: :money_mouth:

The description of Token’s effects are actually listed on the announcement.

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Thank you once again for the information. I lurk more often in the social part of the forums, and I don’t have all day to go through everything when most things turn into a whirlwind of complaints every direction :smiley: