Tree of Savior Forum

How to unsummon Shoggoth?

I know this is a stupid question but…seriously how do I unsummon this Necromancer thing? Do I have to remove all the cards and resummon that thing everytime to unsummon? Not only that is troublesome, the skill has to go into another 4mins cooldown. A game that doesnt want players to afk grind…didnt implement a freaking unsummon key until today. Who is to be blamed…

Change channels, log, or warp to despawn your summons.

Like aforsakenbird said

Also a unsummon key wouln’t have change anything to afk farm because…

1-Their are plenty of Not necro afk farmer (Mostly bot or macro sp pot sorc)

—Also sorry if this kind of pointless in this tread but I just feel I need to say it before someone else say something about it…----

Also any solution (Mostly putting a timer that disconect afk player) will only affect currently LEGIT afk player because botter or macro can auto perform those action that would let them stay connected or whatever else they need.
SOO it only profit NOT LEGIT player.

2-It not the game itself that don’t whant afk farmer but a part of the player that are unhappy about it.
(And yeah it legit for whoever think it not even if you are unhappy with it.)

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