Tree of Savior Forum

How to sell a circle reset?

It’s not really much of a problem, here’s why.

First off, it would cost precious TP to reset. Why spend on something which you can attain for free when you can buy something more useful like Tokens, costumes, etc?

Second, early game leveling is made trivial by the existence of Pardoners. Simply buy buffs, get an Arde dagger (which you can get in less than a day through farming/hunting items) and proceed to wreck everything in sight with auto attacks. Now we weigh in the initial idea that resets cost TP. So, you have the choice of using a small amount of in-game silver to buy buffs, or choose to spend a huge amount of TP just to reset your character’s classes. What’s the most practical route to choose, for you?

Third, even if a user is unfazed by the idea of an expensive TP item, or the actual ease of early game leveling through Pardoners, then I say let them spend that TP to change their class. The person will waste their money, IMC will gain profit, and everyone else will stay uncaring about whether or not the person just changed their class or not, because in the end it will be no different than a person with the same build who never used a class reset.

Except this is a game, not some kind of life and death situation where your performance is in the line of the lives of people.

Here’s a better analogy. Would you spoil yourself of the content of an upcoming video game and learn everything you need to do before starting to play it?

Key here is to enjoy the game. Enjoying the game shouldn’t be just about learning everything in it prior, it should be all about when you’re experiencing it.

I think the point here is that it’s your vision. It’s hard to say what the rest would think. You can say some people are keen on trial and error. But some people may view this more as a leisure and find that kind of ideology to be unforgiving, and it would be easier for them to move on to another game. If anything, IMC’s main goal should be to be able to retain and keep those people motivated in playing, rather than letting them leave on their own.

Same as above, it’s just your experience. I can safely say that I have seen a ton of meta builds during dungeons/missions and rarely would I see non-meta ones. Then again, it’s hard to say what value the players have on these non-meta characters - more often than not they would just be alts or very old characters that players have abandoned and they’re just using them as alts for more dungeon runs/lodge levels, but it’s also safe to assume they could be a player’s main character as well. Then again, I don’t think anyone would play an MMORPG and not think about being competitive come late game, and these non-meta builds won’t exactly help in that endeavor.