Tree of Savior Forum

How to save the Guardian Saint attributes after the "Intense Balancing"

Currently, Guardian Saint has two attributes:

  • Guardian Saint: Decreased Damage

  • Guardian Saint: Change Target

To let skills (especially 3rd Circle attributes) get removed in this game is sad, given the time spent to create the artwork and idea involving the attribute.

So, to not have the efforts of your developers become naught over such changes, the following changes could be made to save the Guardian Saint attributes:

Guardian Saint: Decreased Damage

The effect should remain the same for the skill, just the amount of damage reduced per attribute level should be adjusted accordingly.
It could be anywhere between 1% (10 attribute levels) and 0,2% (100 attribute levels) for a maximum of 10%, 15% or 20% damage reduction while the buff is up.

Changes to Peltastas Guardian already show that the developers are not afraid of damage reduction with 100% uptime, and Guardian Saint would provide the perfect opportunity to have a similar damage reduction.
It also justifies keeping the name of the skill “Guardian Saint” untouched.

Guardian Saint: Change Target

Instead of +5 * skill-level % Healing Power added for the skillduration,
the damage modifier of Heal is increased by +5 * skill-level %.


The power of the current Heal is 228% of Healing Power after the changes.
With Guardian Saint level 5 active, the actual recovery is 1,25 * 228= 285% of your base Healing Power [as your Healing Power is now 125% of your base Healing Power without Guardian Saint].

When activating the Guardian Saint: Change Target-attribute, the damage modifier is affected instead, resulting in 228 * 1,25 = 285% damage with Heal.

As to how to make Guardian Saint more useful for a broader audience, the attribute changed the recipient of the damage.
Post skill-changes, the effect of Guardian Saint could still be reversed, as it could add an additional damage modifier for Heal [and maybe Cure] instead of affecting the recovery effect of the skill.

The target of the augmentation of the skill is changed (healing power -> attack power),
which would allow the attribute to feature the same name as pre-balance changes.

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