Tree of Savior Forum

How to reset the map?

Hello all :slight_smile:

I created a new character in Silute to do all again and improve my game, but as soon as the intro ended and she appeared on West Siauliai Woods, the Adventure Journal = 0% and all the map progress the my Linker did also appear.

I already tried:
“Just change map for example get into orsha or klap and restart the game, the map will be blank again for you alt that didn’t explore it and you can explore and get reward again.”

“I was originally able to resolve the issue by quitting the game, restarting, logging back in and ONLY logging straight into the character I wanted to do map completion on.”

None of these worked :frowning: … Does anyone knows how to reset the map? The characters are supose to share the map progress? Should I report a bug?

exploration of the maps will be shared within the team. You can get your exp cards from vaivora and use it to level faster.


I also want to add not to be mislead by the full map, you cant warp to places you haven’t been until you activate the statue manually with that character…

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Ohh that’s a shame… :frowning: Thank you for the fast reply.

It’s a bad feature, maybe they’ll improve it later. :slight_smile: I didn’t know that… Thank you.