Tree of Savior Forum

How to make the new Soul/Psychokinesis element unique

Ok, after having analyzed the new element that entered the circle,
I believe the element in its current state is not displaying what it could/should.

First, let’s take a look at the element in detail.
Psychokinesis/soul element is a new element that gives bonus damage against holy(25%),dark(25%) and psychokinesis element(50%). However, monsters of holy property and psychokinesis property are so rare in this game that it makes no sense to introduce an element like this which basically only provides 25% damage bonus on dark element monsters.

Now, let’s look at the skills that use this element.
Basically, there are currently only 2 Classes (Sadhu and Psychokino) in the game that have skills using this element in a total of 5 skills:

Possession, Out of Body, Astral Body Explosion, Psychic Pressure and Gravity Pole (Magnetic Force and Telekinesis might or might not be/become this property,too).

Now, what do all of these skills have in common?
1st: they are all magic skills
2nd: they are all applied by indirect contact with a target
3rd: they damage the target by bending physical laws, making the bodies either damage themselves or get damaged by other physical bodies/particles.

So, why is this important to note? Because this is actually no coincidence.
Psychokinesis is basically just a manipulation of matter that causes direct or indirect damage on contact with the victim. This means they are basically physical attacks in the disguise of a magic attack.

This is how they work:

[details=explanation of Psychokinesis skills]

  • Out of Body creates a physical astral body of the caster out of atmospherical matter that is still bound by physical laws (it needs legs to move and moves on the ground, so it’s affected by gravity and friction as well as velocity etc.). This body attacks by releasing a “spray” of condensed particles/molecules, which are affected by physical laws and damage by creating an impulse on the victims body (basically a Sadhus OOB attack is the same as firing a shotgun at someone point blank, just not so dangerous).

  • Astral Body Explosion is basically creating an artificial explosion by fast expansion of the astral bodies matter. This is no different from blowing up a bomb, the force is just lower because the astral body is not a solid container to create great pressure. The impulse created by the accelerated matter on contact is what creates the damage.

  • Possession works a little different, as there could be two ways to explain the features it has. The presumably right explanation would be that it creates pressure on all the nerves in the body by raising the atmospheric pressure either inside the body or outside of it (basically creating an artificial pressure chamber around a certain target/area). This makes the cells of the body move inwards, creating great pain and paralyzing the target in the process.

This would also explain 2 distinct features of the skill, the first being that monsters are not drawn inside the circle and the circle not activating without targets (if the other possible solution, magnetic/gravitational force would be right, they should be drawn to it and it would have an effect even without any monsters inside).
The second feature is that the target can still use some distinct magic skills while pressured, which is why paralyzation by gravitation/magnetic force can be ruled out, as the brain would be affected by these two options while atmospherical pressure wouldn’t affect the brain that much because of the skull protecting it.

  • Psychokinesis works basically like Possession, but instead of creating atmospheric pressure, the skill creates basically an invisible astral body of your hand which grabs enemies and inflicts pressure by contracting this “astral hand”. This is also why the skill can stun enemies instead of just paralyzing them, because it creates artificial impact also on the head, shoulders, solar plexus and stomach of the victim.

  • Gravity Pole creates a gravitational zone. This zone increases the stress on joints and bones as well as internal organs by increasing the weight burden manifold, as the body is contracted against its normal structure, causing heavy damage to basically everything in the body. This makes enemies slow (increasing your evasion in the process) and crumbles their defence (look at the attributes).

The following skills are most likely to be included into this :

  • Magnetic Force creates a really strong electromagnetic force which makes all creatures around get drawn in and damage each other by colliding with each other as well as by the cells of the body losing their fixed position, causing internal pressure.

  • Telekinesis also uses an astral hand or some gravitational alteration to make the enemy levitate and then smashes it against other physical matter (the ground, objects, monsters e.g.) to create impulse damage by colliding them with a certain velocity.[/details]

So, making psychokinesis unique and “realistic” is actually easy:

The damage should not be affected by magic defence but physical defence as the damage is not created by magic but by physical matter in all current cases.

There is no difference if you get hit a a stone flung by Stone Shot or by physical matter thrown at you by Out of Body attacks or you getting thrown at a stone by Telekinesis, is there? Same goes for Astral Body Explosion and Broom Trap, both skills use the same physical matter/gas expansion to create impulse that damages the body, don’t they?

Psychokinesis would really get a unique spot by making it scale with matk but basically being a physical attack, and very interesting for many builds, creating more Class variation in the process, that’s why I suggest making this change to give it the special attention it deserves as a unique new element.