Tree of Savior Forum

How to make close to 1 million silver worth of silver+gems in 1 hour as Warlock

So there is this method that wasn’t really widespread among players but there are a few people who know of this and its getting really difficult to farm at this map for silver/gems. So here I present the method to make close to 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 worth of silver and gems in 1 hour.
Only continue reading this thread if you are a Warlock. This farming method does not work with other classes.

As you can see from the video, it is pretty easy to set up for the farm and it is semi-afk. You have to recast invocation as soon as it gets off cool down and you pretty much just have to collect the silver and drops after the purifier stops spawning monsters. Monsters spawn almost instantly after dying so farming here is extremely efficient and relaxing, requiring almost no attention other than recasting Invocation. Another thing to note is that Grim Reaper will NEVER spawn in this place unlike Constructor’s Lodge. So you will always be able to get the full 5 minutes from the trigger event and continue doing so in the other 2 channels without downtime unless another Warlock comes here and use Dark Sacrifice on your spirits.

I once commented here on a thread on Reddit telling people that farming level 8 gems legit without RMT is very doable albeit time consuming. Grinding at Workers Lodge will net you approximately 110 1 star gems per hour. And every 3-4 hours you will most likely get a monster gem with decent RNG. If you are willing to farm this for 10 hours a day and do uphill getting at least 1-2 lv2 Gem Abrasive everyday, You would only need 2 weeks or so to get a lv8 gem and it costs NOTHING but time. Silver wise, you make approximately 470-500k per hour selling all the recipes and Steel Buckler drops. If you want to be more efficient in leveling gems and farming, you could also use the Steel Bucklers on a gem as they give 80 points worth each and you dont have to keep running back to town to sell them.

This is after 4 hours or so of farming. With 3 monster gems in the bottom of the page.

Enjoy farming.

If you all take a look at the video, his auto attacks are hitting for almost 2200-2300 DMG. This means he should have around 2000k-2100k Magic Attack. Hes either super rich and stacked with perfect gear or hes a Hook64 user.

Just take a look at his auto attack damage. On top of that hes using a rod which further makes me suspicious of the dmg.

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actually 17xx Matk. Its called get good in this game and know where to farm. Now Im sharing probably the best method to get silver and gems in this game. You can get to my level of damage if you farm there :slight_smile:

You just made it so that no one will ever want to farm there again.

You guys are lucky to have 3 or more channels there. Klaipedia only has 2 channels… so you can only make a max of around 400k/hr (excluding gems).
Also all gems >lv7 are overrated lol

Thanks for this. Although I have a question as I’m not really familiar with the map, why does it stop some times? and how do I reactivate it?

5 minutes per trigger event. 10 minutes cooldown after it stops spawning.

switch channel after spawn is dead.

All hail silver inflation method

Only 1 person can do this at any given time so this wont really cause inflation.

Its easy to reach 2.2k dmg at royal mas wit 1.6-1.7k matk. Why bother talking abt his dmg when he is teaching u a gd way to farm silver.

What do you mean? People don’t crash each other in this area, it’s pointless. Already got a lvl 8 Green gem and in the process of getting my 3rd lvl 7 green gem :>

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“It’s getting difficult to farm here, but I’m done with it so let’s make it even more difficult for everyone else”

But yea only one person can do this at a time per server. Not sure why you post it here. I don’t have a warlock so idc. Good way to get it nerfed though and ruin the other purpose of the event.

He legit i level up with him on Maven he has like +15 SCR Trancendence btw.

Tree of silver farmers.
'nuff said.

Thanks for sharing though.

Now token prices should sky rocket because it’s so easy to make silver now.

Yea only 1 person per server or 3 channels to run this efficiently. Although this method isn’t known among people in my server, there were a few people on my server crashing constantly when me or my guildmates were farming there.

Not trying to spoil anyones farm but I’m trying to spread awareness so that people can farm there amicably. Hopefully I can make a friendly community of Warlocks to farm here instead of assholes crashing.

I have a question tho, a bit off the topic. I saw your FC Damage is around 7000-9000. How you do it? I mean I have attribute lvl 60 and SCR +15 but only hit like 4,5k ish. 40% more damage from maxing FC attribute won’t give me FC damage anywhere near you.

95+ matk potential hats, transendence


If you do 4,5k on your current matq with 60% attribute on Frost Cloud, you would do 7,5k/tick on a 100% attribute one.

All you need to do is 200% / 160% = 1,25 * 4500 = 5625.

Animus, Archmage Bangle x 2, Lolo Cloth Set, +15 SCR with Transcendence and level 6+ gems, 95+ matk hats, Chapparition cards, there’s a lot of matq you can get through gears and sheer INT.

4,5k at 60% would be 5,625 k at 100%

You actualy add 60% on 160% or 256% in total

Edit* No longer needed, previous post have been corrected
… Well a part of it XD (The first part is still wrong)

4.5k with quick cast? Unless youre talking about high mdef mobs you must be severely lacking in other areas :confused:
Gear & subweap awakened?
Hats +at least 70-80 matk potential?
Near full int build?
Lolopanther cloth 3 pieces?
Archmage bangles?