Tree of Savior Forum

11 aspects that can fix the game structural problems [2021]

Before commenting on anything, a while ago I deleted this game from my hard drive (it was on an SDD; 25gb seems excessive for a product with these characteristics) because it no longer even served me to kill time and pass the time. At some point it became, not to repeat myself, into a casino with many tables and bets. Like other video games, ToS has lost what (perhaps) made it attractive … Except in the group of gamblers and submissive people who have lost the capacity for criticism, self-criticism and self-reflection, sadly every day bigger, which worsens when it contaminates other more serious matters outside of leisure.

From time to time I go to the forum to see what good news there is (bad news, better said) and rarely do I find a topic like this, which, yes, they are useless because it does not reach the VIP people who have power or are They are in charge of managing this video game … It reminds me of others not necessarily massive, online or (supposed) RPG, even paid, like Stellaris from Paradox, a game that I bought in its day and that I deleted, I had my money returned after certain updates and company policy (it was horrible, not just gameplay anymore).

I have abandoned other massive RPGs like Black Desert Online, it literally takes the same path as this … And that, like here (the “preorder” that I paid before being a mere horrible F2P more), I bought at the time . I am not talking about other online games, I will continue to say that the payment in monthly installments is a scam, just like the purchase of video games online (the day they close you will run out of money, without games, and what is worse, without time you’ll never get back). Simply, so that you understand my point (my tastes?), It is sad that the most fun, uncensored (politically correct is somewhat pathetic) and open games are indies from companies and people with not as many resources as the great ones we know.

Now, entering the topic that is discussed here. As a reader of this sad and forgotten forum of a video game in a zombie state, I like the messages that Hillgram leaves, at least it shows that he has not forgotten the “no”, “I do not accept” or “cancel” button when he asks us one Web (surely, an inaccurate analogy) to accept their conditions of use or cookies. Sadly, each of the points he makes is correct. Now, my grain of sand … Whether to promote a debate, improve them or at least, an alternative:

*About points 1-7-8-9-10-11. There are very interesting formulas, perhaps as old as some role-playing board games or role-playing forums, that offer that diversity of gameplay in an RPG (often Western) versus the “meta” formula, or at least one way to reduce its influence. To give an example that could work, how the online Path Of Exile (Passive Skill Tree), what if instead of dividing the game by trades, ranks, classes and the like, everything is unified? Some skills you learn (at the level you want) open others, combinations of several open some more. For example, if I learn one ice magic and one fire magic at level 1, enable the learning of water magic; if I learn the handling of swords (a single point, I would not necessarily have to invest so much even though it improves the damage I do with it, because I may also want to handle as an alternative weapon -or several- for when I am at a distance or another works better against a certain enemy … a bow? a magic wand? You may want to invest points in sword forging), enable learning one-handed sword skills. Of course, you would not need Rank LVL or anything like that, simply a limited number of skill points at each base level (in total at the maximum level it would be several points, but that would have to be available at the expense of others).

Why not? Make the abilities depend on their recharge times (more powerful = more recharge) and not energy, that the basic attacks are the same abilities similar to Guild Wars 2 (in consumption); remove the unnecessary and annoying SP bar.

Even the parameter system (stats)… Why not return the old one similar to the RO? Leave each point to the player’s decision, after all, it would be necessary in a system such as the one I propose. With these two things, not only is the system simplified (the capabilities, now ARTS, would be activated according to their level without any type of secondary system); It becomes more fun and diverse, and as Hillgram says, the player’s decisions would matter much more, what would be the goal? Of course, but it would be playable even by those who do not like to follow the leader and like experimentation. That the player decides, that he does not decide (BMI and friends) the game for you … We have enough of this in real life (in the end, deep down everything depends on the decisions of second people and our environment, not our free will, it is a fallacy that of “you can be and do whatever you want in life”).

Of course, this would not kill the system that IMC and company have to earn money, without being harmful, it would encourage the purchase of spaces for characters without limiting the experience of those who do not invest money or are not so much; and of course, except exceptional case like drastic change of abilities etc. NO to any reset of any kind (or pay), bad day when they were put up for sale by four whales who do not know what the real RPG game is about.

*About points 2-3. One of the serious problems, yes absolutely right, the casino tables and the mountain of tasks that you must do in order to have fun, after all, there is the invisible wall that decides what content you can do and which one you have blocked. An interesting idea, the one that I take from some games (Kenshi, and to a lesser extent Black Desert), to reduce the amount of non-sense equipment and “improvements” that the game has and simplify it to a varied list, but clear and simple; each team, depending on which weapon, independently, will offer benefits over others (for example, a greatsword that has the highest damage rate against a more defensive greatsword, a magic wand that improves fire versus another that improves ice or lightning) and works with simple multipliers on the Stat of our characters; x1 would be normal, x0.1 would be negative (a magic wand of ice can be terrible in fire, then in fire apply a negative) and x1.X would be the improvement … In similar armor, even give interest to the type of damage physical depending on the weapon (a rapier is not the same as a knife or a hammer).

The only variable that could alter these benefits (and penalties) upward would be the quality of the piece of equipment or consumable item; (Legendary; only as a prize for events, and not necessarily better than masterpieces)> Masterpiece> Excellent> Good> Average> Mediocre> Horrible> (Props; as the name suggests, for plays, rusty borrowed equipment to fix …), of course, the NPCs would only sell the horrible ones … The rest, it would depend on other players specialized in forging or goldsmithing (according to the system that I propose) and buy it in the store (here we can propose the system that it handled RO, people made their shops in each place (with a search system; it would be fun, having to go to a dangerous map because whoever has the store and sells that is there … Or someone selling potions in a place where they would have sales success), or apply the current market … But without stupid nonsensical limits to the quantity of products and the high tax charged by IMC and friends).

Of course, you must return the money in the field, among others, or at least bet on the system that RO used to obtain money (it was based on selling objects - to the NPC or to the people - that the bugs released). To avoid casinos and luck, do not fall for the same thing, make everything safe, of course, with their corresponding numbers of required materials; You will need more (apart from the skill, if you are the one who forges, weaves or manufactures) and stronger bugs to make a Good weapon, than a Normal one. You will save materials if you only improve it and not make it from scratch. With this I would add more richness to the diversity, and above all, greater decision and way of playing RPG online, than not just going to do what everyone else (I can also specialize in making high-quality potions and different types than in weapons and pretend to focus on the usual game of killing monsters).

*About sections 4-5-6. I thought I remembered some interesting tips about the AI ​​in this forum and the behavior of the enemies; that there are various types of behaviors, for example, some monsters run away as soon as you see you, others rush at you like crazy (as most are now), some are measured and flee if they are very hurt or face if they are healthy, others that go in packs or groups and are challenged by your leader, some who help or protect their peers, etc. Even that from time to time they face each other or with others of different species (food chain, predators and all that). At the player level, it even allows you to tame them, anyone, and tame them, use them anywhere according to their AI -skills according to the suggestion-, sell your “Pokémon” in the market or your bird shop, go hunting, cook their meat or vegetables, etc. (it doesn’t have to just be alchemist potions).

Of course, for this, as Hillgram says, they would have to reduce the combat speed, among others, such as limiting the maximum level and the time required for each character to progressively reach the maximum (they would have to review and redo the experience curve , Among many other things).

*As a bonus, they would enrich the game if each building or structure in the set can be bought or rented (to another player owner) as a house or guild barracks, including skills to make functional furniture to store objects, etc. Set up a business alone or together , an inn or a consumable store in that house lost in the middle of a dangerous map. Etc? And no, I don’t mean this or what they have in other games like Black Desert. Fall in love with an NPC and marry him? Do it with another player? Enable adoptions between players or NPCs? Give a player the decision to organize a family tree together with other players - or among his own characters - that gives his puppets a historical “base”? It reminds me of what could be done in TES Skyrim. Of course, this does not depend on paid items … And if there are, they are merely for their unique design or aesthetics outside of the lore of the game itself, whose functionality would be equal to its normal equals.

If 64bits really works for them (it is not an optimization of the game, for that many more things would be needed), also take advantage of it to solve the PVP (why not, a tournament or coliseum mode, organizable anywhere, among those who sign up in different modes of play, free or limited by the sponsors -either in an event by the Staff or by the players themselves who have excess objects and money- or bettors -it would be fun to bet some Silver on who or who will win- put the prizes) , even add a PK system (well controlled and limited to avoid abuse) and “searched” for PKK to these.

In missions, I would bet on a system of free missions without history, random ones that depend on who your NPC boss is (yes, and there are as many as maps, or else, that there are several specialized in different things … Why not? Let them be our favorite goddesses, city mayors, guild leaders, and demons - crafting missions, killing missions, transport missions, “wanted” missions, barter missions, etc.) And with this, open a system of factions to organize big things (total wars or battle royale).

Anyway, a lot of text and a lot of useless ideas (they won’t put into practice) … I know very well that no one of importance will read this and will apply nothing minimally, after all, ToS is a Korean video game, and we know that culturally they follow other different models . We will see when they put the 64bit, depending on how everything is, I will occupy the 25gb again or I will simply leave this game as impossible. Im not english, so I need use a translator (my english is poor)…

Emm, another theme, localization of the game. Not all people talk and write english, that should a good improvement in business view.


It’s the usual, they do the same as our rulers in reality… Instead of solving the basic problem, they only make it worse with more patches. They would rather patch up old asphalt than lift it up and asphalt with new material. You just have to see how the world is today, “how wonderful humanity is”.

Right now ToS is not a video game, it is a casino with a lot of work and luck behind it. People want to be entertained, have fun, they don’t want to become addicted gamblers. Well, except a lot of Korean and not-so-Korean people…


It is the unwritten law of least effort; less investment, higher profitability. A cancer that for years has matured, not only in video games, sadly … Painful but certain words that you point to.

This worsens with what you say about the player of before and now, but from the point of view of demand or criticism. Now people, sadly, move by fashion and what one or the other says, not by itself. It’s very sad how I am having fun with games like Stardew Valley, and I can’t stand half an hour in front of a blockbuster AAA bestseller.

I wasn’t planning to get back on this thread yet but your reply touched me, i’ve been doing these for a while and most of time i expect it to be more shouting into the void with some fun (and sometimes productive) discussion about the game with the few lads that still have any opinion on the game aside the META. It’s even interesting to see how some of them changed over the years, to cases in which their perspective took a 180. It seems like the people that really love this game are the ones that left it and only look it from afar, the few that still play are too numb and/or tired to even start a conversation.

I’ve with ToS since it was known as project R1, amazed by every trailer, reading every single dev post, applying to every CBT, counting the days for each CBT and release, being heartbroken that the founder pack would still let me out of playing with my friends because i couldn’t afford any higher pack (later changed to grant any pack full early access), hours of build theory crafting, going through the early bugs (specially Hunter), class change quests (also hidden class quests), time based attribute learning, merciless rank 8 monsters, hunting the old field bosses that had stuff like Audra and Trinity Sword as top tier drops and then the process to craft it. The multiple times i tried to get friends into the game and other multiple times they asked how good it was and i was confident it was still on rise but not there yet, it was just a matter of months for it to be good enough (it was fun enough at least).

I had faith IMC would eventually get it to be a big hit, it had the potential for it, despite thinking IMC was taking ten steps back for each nine or so steps forward. Even when they announced Re:Build, the patch that butchered a core aspect of the game, i had faith it was a sacrifice worth taking as long as they had good plans to follow up, but that never happened… I remember that one of their goals with Re:Build was to control the power scaling, i wonder what happened to that…

It’s depressing to see this child, that had everything to inspire others and conquer the world, to end up in the dumps, cold, sad and void - the kid that i watched grow since the womb… Worse, the family just keep quiet whenever you try to bring up the problem, you can’t even know if they care, they will just not ever admit it or they will just ignore the problem and hope it will magically solve itself (but they may reply you if you talk about something else). All that ambition and potential to end up here? That the best ToS can offer is to be a PoE/Diablo cassino? And people are fine with it? Without even trying to use what they got??? I just can’t accept it…

Project R1 deserves justice, it doesn’t matter which direction IMC takes it to as long as it follows the core principles. If anyone from IMC is reading this (which i highly doubt), specially if you were working on it for as long as i know the game. I will never blame any individual for bringing the game to this state, i surely i don’t have nearly the same idea of what happened along the way nor why and won’t even pretend i can, people are just doing their jobs. All i want is this game to do better because i know it can.

That’s a great alternative. A dual wielding mace user casting lightning magic is closer to the ToS essence than anything we have here.

Almost sure it was me.

These are interesting additions. If IMC ever fixed the core aspects they could expand the game to other avenues like that. I’d love to see some sort of event that players can fund a service/building to gain access to a feature, and it stops working if it runs out of funds. There’s just so much room to grow on the immersive side, unfortunately that not even on sight for now.

Indies went back to the roots. Treat the players with respect and focus on delivering a fun and/or new experience, games made by people that really love games. Some may not be great, nor have massive reach, but they will be remembered.

In case you didn’t read that. I know you said it as a joke but there’s no way in hell that will happen, IMC doesn’t even want to reply me with “we’ve read it”, let alone talk to me (maybe i’m black listed). It’s a shame cause i love discussing about game design. I would try giving the world building, lore and story sides some love though.

I’ll reply the other interesting points later, this personal semi rant will likely be flagged as off-topic.


I think I’ve also been “black listed” by them, especially ever since the weapon design drama.

While my intentions were to help the game improve and grow, it seems that IMC doesn’t like to be told the truth, but rather be sugar coated by the white knights. There’s no “pretty” way to tell the truth. People don’t know that I, as you and Kiyo, have dedicated a lot to this game in many ways: we brought the Wiki back to life with information that nor even the official sites can provide.

I tried to give feedback regarding on the management of Fan Art Festivals because the way it is now, it makes veteran artists years of hard work and experience a waste; even an insult. Tried to affiliate with ToSJP in the creation of fan arts and small events (with ToS RP) to promote the game (even proposed an Art Book project that wasn’t supported by IMC).

I consider myself the biggest Lore sucker on ToS, since I dedicated more to the story research rather than the endgame content. My notorious work is the Lore side of the wiki. Who knows if IMC ever looked at it or what. But its a better way for people to know more about the story than reading the books within the game or questing. Let’s be honest: MMORPGs nature is to level up and play, not read. So people will likely skip and ignore.

And never forget the large ass amount of money invested in the game for almost 5 years.

Its sad that the game is slowly falling down due to the management. I know the ToS gamers who would be a good element for IMC to save this game. But that’s the thing. If the company doesn’t listen to those gamers, much less will take them. Its like, they don’t like to be told the truth nor how to do the job right.

I already gave up hopes on IMC doing this. The least thing they could do for the lores is to release small stories with pictures (like before when MAGGI was still here). Maybe release eBooks, manwhas and visual contents, but that would be pricey for them. :confused:

Rant to be continued… xd


You can’t make money if your game shuts down. We may not be there yet but, in the current direction, not even new episodes can prevent the population drop in iToS (maybe kToS is really stable). The game reached a point in which the direction became too niche to get any new players (and it has two direct competitors) and dedicated players are losing interest on it. All it takes for a server population to collapse is to reach a critical population limit where people think it is dead and there’s no magic number or threshold that can be used to predict it, it will just happen over night (likely not that soon, but it’s a matter of time) and that’s what make it scary.

We can’t forget that iToS covers 4 regions. Shutting iToS down is the same as closing 4 servers, even the most oblivious players on kToS and jToS will question the state of the game after that and if their region is in danger or not, this alone is enough to make unsatisfied players to abandon ship, which can trigger further collapses somewhere else. If your options are limited to keep on life support until you die, pull the plug or go under a heavy treatment with a chance of a comeback, it may be worth taking the risk with the third option even if that may kill it where it stands.

Indeed, however it can increase the server population, bring old players back, retain new players and maybe make active players more willing to (re)introduce the game to people. More players mean more potential customers, it can even drive some players won’t purchase TP in the current state to do so just because the game feels alive and their money won’t felt wasted. The internet proved that the more people like you and/or your work enough they more willing they will be to give you money.

ToS (at least iToS) lost its creative fanbase (fanart, fan comics, cosplayers, RP), all the player created content we have left is gameplay videos. It is vital for any game to have creative content, it’s just too big of gateway to be dismissed and that relies on the player enjoyment of the game. Satisfied players can bring more people to the game and more people can lead to more money.

Surely, IMC may lose money for a while and that has to be factored, yet they cannot get out of their spot if they ignore these structural issues, it is late to take action but they’re still have players and are earning some money. Of course this is all for nothing if such changes drive whales away during the process, but that can be managed with a proper transition plan, regardless of what they decide to do.

3, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11 are, but there’s still four aspects (1 doesn’t count since it’s a direction/guideline/motto) that can be improved without any major investment, all it takes is a good plan (maybe even address each aspect individually). Other game companies use events to test out new ideas at minimum cost before committing to them (like they did with Assisters), moving forward only if player reception was positive enough. I even made an event suggestion a year ago using mostly recycled assets and mechanics. They have tools to test the waters at with minimum risk and investment.

They’ll never be able to finish it until they address 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10. It’s just impossible to balance classes when the only valuable aspect of combat is raw damage (including ways to amplify your damage) and you can one shot everything in most of the non-legend raid content. It’s exactly because their resources are limited that they should invest on fixing the foundation, it’s just a waste of money, time and energy to rebalance classes every time a new episode kicks in.


That’s an interesting case, the concept itself was fine but they messed up on the execution on every single aspect. It had a negative value interaction (player makes enemies stronger), was added too early in the game (before rank 5/advancement 2, when wizards can have pure pyromancer and nothing else), was a permanent unchangeable effect and lacked communication (no visual effects to communicate the heal or a buff to be inspected). The intersection of these elements is what made it bad, if they changed one or two aspects it could have been a memorable fun aspect of combat. If they did it with dark or holy, it would be a complete disaster.


I played from 2016 till early 2019 and started playing again with the season server this summer…
And quit again cm/ds over and over again ain’t fun.
All I got was a stupid hl vv.
I felt forced to buy p2w cubes to keep up with others.
Untill I realized that I don’t have fun in this game and it’s more like a casino.
It’s just sad q. Q


but they will end up losing profit cause they suffer from more development cost when their profit i assume is already low given the population and how they bait us so hard in cubes.
another server of tos even bait the players so hard with +40 t10 varna, clearly shows how desperate they are to make people actually pay.
Then they will also suffer from development schedule interference, if they ever have one.

QoL detail improvement will definitely be pleasant, but that also not gonna guarantee to invite more people to play and eventually pay and support the game financially to prevent it from shutting down which clearly is the main goal of the company
its never about to bring us good experience given how their updates and decisions so far. well maybe just some minor.
Because if its about giving us good experience, every balance cluster update would`ve bring all classes in that cluster justice. yet we still see how many of these classes treat unevenly, which later give born to meta cancer instead of more build diversity (which ironically should be what the game promises as its title rebuild), and also piled up disappointment from the classes fans that makes their long wait wasted.
and also more quality content that even if its grind, its one of enjoyable grind.its hard to explain this as people have different standard, but what current tos and future tos content has, its not my cup of tea.

Thats why they go with repetitive contents, its cheaper, and they can still bait some wealthy impatient people with premium vouchers.
its just about time until they sell goddess card, relic gems or vaivora boxes in cubes.
they just refrained themself right now.

Again many ideas in this forum, not just this one, even i wrote some too, are great, a QoL improvement, but its too good to be true with the current situation of the company, the dev, the game, the population, the income, the direction.

im gonna use this man words,

you know in life there are dreams that will never come true? this may be one of it. not just yours but my dreams, and many of those who have sophistication toward the game improvement.

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Three words IMC mouthed off before over the course of last year as their main goals to improve the game … that they now avoid like the plague so much:


Rather funny that they themselves know the answer to their game’s problems, but alas.

I would write the lores and bring art for free just so this game would be saved. Make ToS great again.
Shere noooo


They at least provided uniqueness, but people didn’t realize uniqueness doesn’t always have to be a good thing.

yeah, just play your meta build you meta slave
this game titled rebuild but they implicitly dictate players how to build a good building.


Focus before:

  1. Carefully choosing classbuild to counter your opponents
  2. Leveling your unique char with suffering
  3. Discuss strategies -> Practice -> Mastering -> Win

Focus now:

  1. Pick meta as everyone around
  2. Level in 1-2 days
  3. Play casino -> Lose -> Pay money -> Win

TRUE indeed, especially for the new CM updates now… Its just sad to see this game slowly turns into a casino and dying everyday… rip

What I would change is limit the number of skills per class. If you play a DPS, you have a few buff/debuff skills, which is fine, but too many DPS skills that fill 3 or more quickslot bars and either you don’t have points for them, meaning they’re basically useless, or you don’t have the space/time to use them. I’d rather have a faster rotation (lower CDs) with fewer skills that are easily accessible – for example all DPS skills should be accessible on the same quickslot bar, making roughly 10 skills for 3-4 classes, or 2-3 DPS skills per class.

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You really know, mah boi~

Uniqueness is always good when done right. The reason why the most unique classes don’t work well is the following.

  1. They are unique but lack an identity, being unique for the sake of being unique - All iterations of Hunter
  2. They are harder to use and achieve as much as a simpler class - All iterations of Kabbalist before episode 12
  3. Their unique value is irrelevant because the game - Cryomancer past White Crow
  4. Some use mechanics that don’t interact with other classes in the build at all - All iterations of Sadhu before episode 13
  5. They come with limitations and these can frustrate players - Dievdierbys before Re:build
  6. Generic classes perform overall better - Re:build Paladin x Oracle

This last point deserves some extra attention as it is the most harmful element to unique classes. The whole point of specializing on a thing is being really effective at it, but since IMC decided to give every new class all the tool set for any scenario - AoE, burst, DoT, single target, damage amplification, control, etc - there has been no room for them to compete with. When you invest on a specialized class you gain a lot of value on a single department at the cost of being weak at others, generic classes don’t have that weaknesses as IMC thinks they have to be in the same power level as every other class. This is the reason unique classes are perceived as bad for being unique, then players beg for IMC do buff or rework them which results in a more generic version, repeating indefinitely.

The current remaining unique classes are only relevant because they are really good at what they try to achieve and/or provide something that of huge value, if it weren’t for that they would be as dead as the others.

Even classes that were seen unique had to share space with other classes that have similar features. It was the case with summoner classes back then, Sorcerer had a clear distinctive features as it focused on a single minion and allowed players to use boss skills, meanwhile Bokor and Necromancer had to share their role of army minion controller - they were different classes with small variances, yet neither were unique.

Uniqueness is always good when done right. The reason why the most unique classes don’t work well is the following.

  1. They are unique but lack an identity, being unique for the sake of being unique - All iterations of Hunter
  2. They are harder to use and achieve as much as a simpler class - All iterations of Kabbalist before episode 12
  3. Their unique value is irrelevant because the game - Cryomancer past White Crow
  4. Some use mechanics that don’t interact with other classes in the build at all - All iterations of Sadhu before episode 13
  5. They come with limitations and these can frustrate players - Dievdierbys before Re:build
  6. Generic classes perform overall better - Re:build Paladin x Oracle

This last point deserves some extra attention as it is the most harmful element to unique classes. The whole point of specializing on a thing is being really effective at it, but since IMC decided to give every new class all the tool set for any scenario - AoE, burst, DoT, single target, damage amplification, control, etc - there has been no room for them to compete with. When you invest on a specialized class you gain a lot of value on a single department at the cost of being weak at others, generic classes don’t have that weaknesses as IMC thinks they have to be in the same power level as every other class. This is the reason unique classes are perceived as bad for being unique, then players beg for IMC do buff or rework them which results in a more generic version, repeating indefinitely.

The current remaining unique classes are only relevant because they are really good at what they try to achieve and/or provide something that of huge value, if it weren’t for that they would be as dead as the others.

Even classes that were seen unique had to share space with other classes that have similar features. It was the case with summoner classes back then, Sorcerer had a clear distinctive features as it focused on a single minion and allowed players to use boss skills, meanwhile Bokor and Necromancer had to share their role of army minion controller - they were different classes with small variances, yet neither were unique.

The fall of MMORPGs is (at least partially) related to the rise of MOBAs. A lot of the elements presents on MOBAs comes from classic RPGs and this allows players to have a similar experience of an online action RPG without needing to commit hours on leveling character, farming resources and preparing equipment. It’s just way more convenient to pick a character that is ready for use and play a match, it also has the flexibility to play with more or less people in a closed circle.

ToS was released in a time where the based design of MMOs wasn’t enough to keep the game up, if it weren’t for the unique class system and pretty anime graphics the game might not lasted that long. There’s a lot that can be learned and taken from other genres and games, but the people working on it have to understand the game before that, which is the reason why the diablo/PoE approach doesn’t worked.

I die inside whenever i see IMC saying they want to make their game more casual. I believe their concept of casual is AFK and cosmetic content like assisters, personal housing and content shop costumes/gestures. Don’t want to farm raids? It’s fine, go fish or watch assisters clear the dungeon without a single input. But making the game more casual isn’t good, they have to make it more accessible/friendly.

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Thought this was a related post to Hillgarm’s until I scrolled back. xd
(Bringing this back to top)

I had to change the thread name due all the technical issues going on…

Yah. I had my first BSOD when alt tabbing. So, I cannot multitask while afking. xd