Tree of Savior Forum

How to continue

Hi i just finished crystal mine and i am lvl 28 and class lvl 7 and i posses as of right now 91 lvl 2 exp cards now mi dilema is if i have to go to do the orsha questline to recive more lvl and more exp cards or can i procced to stratus george in kladeipa and also can i alredy use my exp cards or not yet

Since you seem to be rather new to the game, i’ll just do the search for you: here’s a very detailed guide which will answer all those questions of yours.

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why? dont save exp cards. the only time you should save is level 7-9 exp cards

it basically comes down to, are you behind your maps with your level? then use cards, if you are not or even over leveled then don’t use it.

Xan’s levelling guide that was posted above is a great guide. I did follow that.

Also, regarding exp cards, what I did is I use it to be in the +/- 5 level range of the monsters. Also, let say I have level 2 cards now and I start getting level 3 cards I will wait having 30 pieces of level 3 cards and then use all the lower level cards, I do that until now level 261 so I have some spare cards just in case.

I would suggest, go to the orsha quest line and do the quest until the current level of the klae quest line. Do both until the questline converge, if i remember correctly at maps level 65-70 (Pelke Shrine).

xans leveling guide is great, but when it says grind until about level 155-160, grind to 159-161, the guide will be above u a few levels bcuz its based on if u grindined until 160.

with all the new repeatables gridning isnt an issue. i just made a new alt about 2 minth ago and hes 280 now. i didnt grind till almeth did 3 hours of almeth carded to evac did around 3 hours evac carded to storage and did idk around 8 hours there then carded to maven and then 4 hours maven carded to 280 and done

Thanks for pointing that out. OP do not need to grind before level 200. There are too many exp cards, missions give good exp, and dungeons too. I did not grind until Alemeth for my main and 1 alt. XD