Tree of Savior Forum

How screwed am I with Peltasta C3? [Build-shop help wanted]

EDIT: Decided to stick with it and see how good Peltasta C3 is with the armor break on [Umbo Thrust]. Hopefully I can get a skill reset potion sometime down the line so I can get rid of [High Guard] from the build, max out [Swashbuckling] and put less points in [Rim blow] as it’s damage is the weekest and the knockback can be annoying if not needed.~

I’m currently rank 4 at C1 Hoplite in this build and not sure if I should just re-roll or this isn’t that bad of a build for later in the game… I’ve been going 4:1:2(str,con,dex) and hope to be somewhat of a tank that still does good damage for grinding/boss’.

  • I choose to leave [Swashbuckling] at Lv4 because I preferred more damage on [Rim Blow] for the combo while in High Guard Stance(which while in that stance is your only source of good damage) and because I find you get more control with pulling just 10 mobs, if you want 21 it’s just as easy to run in and hit a group then use it to pull the rest of the group that’s out of range of you.

  • I’m considering going Hoplite C3 instead of Dragoon for the extra 10% block and 50 critical rating on [Finestra], the no cooldown skill [Spear Throw] and the extra damage on [Stabbing]

  • 1 point in [Guardian] is for the 18% evasion attribute which is already starting to show great scaling at lvl 100.

  • [4:1:2](str, con, dex) Because I want the most damage possible while relying on skills and dodging attacks for most of my defense(also the 25% increased HP from [Swashbuckling] attribute seems to give me more than enough to take a few accidental hits). May consider more DEX for the extra critical rate but pretty sure [Finestra]'s extra crit rate will due for awhile.

  • 1 point in [Umbo Thrust] with maxed [Rim Blow] because it provides a 100% armor break on targets but at max level only does 100 damage more then [Rim Blow] while having a 13 second longer cooldown, no increased damage on petrified or frozen enemies and when using [Highguard], [Umbo Thrust] really does no damage as opposed to [Rim Blow].

Any tips or comments much appreciated!

I think it would be best for you to min-max only STR and CON for this build because you have Hop2 to keep Finestra active 100% of the time.
With Finestra, you don’t even need DEX to crit and you have CON saturation to be able to block with shield as peltasta properly.

getting pelt 3 without maxing swashbuckle is literally like getting an ice cream and only eating the cone. I’ll tell you that in earth tower the only thing people will want a pelt 3 for is swash 15 and it’s very desired.

maxing rim blow isn’t neccessary, it’s mostly used for it’s displacement effect. Maxing umbo is okay though. and if you’re only taking one point in guardian you might as well not even do it.

You wont need it if you go a con build but if you’re building an off tank you’ll want some strength so it’s probably better to get gung-ho with a skill reset pot.

Can’t say much about hoplite dragoon, i’m just a tank;3

Edit: also take into account that highguard cuts your damage by 50% meaning that umbo and rim blow will only do half of that 250% bonus

Hence why maxing both would be kind of a waste.

If you’re going full tank, using Guardian is a matter of preference. And I think, the reason for getting a point in Guardian is to get the 18% Evasion Attribute. It is widely believed that its mostly for DPS oriented builds who invested 2nd Rank to Peltasta.

It still does work for Defensive oriented builds that have invested into DEX, since Evasion is complete damage mitigation also. At the end of the day, anything that prevents damage is something a “Tank” can work with. (It might not have the same impact to someone who has a lot of HP due to huge investments in CON, but I would hardly say it is a complete waste)

Guardian not working together with Gung Ho isn’t also enough reason to say it is a waste. It’s a matter of rotation. And the role you have to accomplish at a given situation. That one point in the Skill and a bit of Silver invested in the attribute is a cheap addition to survivability.

you should probably read my whole post rather than skim. Only going one point in guardian wouldn’t be worth it. i’m pretty sure you need atleast 3 ranks for the attribute. i’d check but i’m in the middle of anchor farming right now and dont want to lose my spot :confused:

and i was talking about umbo and rim blow being a waste together. you could have a small damage buff but the points would be better used in a utility spell like high guard or swash.

It’s max level 3. (6% Evasion per level) It’s immediately available once you invest a point in Guardian. I think you confuse the 3rd level unlocking with High Guards, Increased Defense Attribute.

I did read your post entirely. “if you’re only taking one point in guardian you might as well not even do it.”

I stand corrected though by saying that you meant it as a waste. I apologize for that. But the investment of one 1 is still worthwhile.

And I do totally agree with you not to max both Attack skills, as you would be losing the opportunity to either (1) Maxing Swash Buckling or if one plans to go all the way to circle 3, it would be better to invest those Rim Blow points into the circle 3 attack skills, so you might do better damage while High Guard is on CD.


your mixing up high guard with guardian =.= high guard require level 3 to get the attribute, guardian only require level 1

you should take dragoon to at least have SOME damage skills.

ah, yeah it’s definitely worth it for the attribute then^^ thanks for the clarification~

Pretty sure I’m just going to re-roll… Peltasta doesn’t seem to scale well into late game other than the 18% bonus evasion on [Guardian] and HP bonus on [Swashbucking] and the “press c” for extra block ability… all of which are available on C1 Peltasta… T_T

EDIT: Decided to stick with it and see how good Peltasta C3 is with the armor break on [Umbo Thrust]. Hopefully I can get a skill reset potion sometime down the line so I can get rid of [High Guard] from the build, max out [Swashbuckling] and put less points in [Rim blow] as it’s damage is the weekest and the knockback can be annoying if not needed.

I posted this on another thread in regards to Peltasta C3:

Since you already have Hoplite C1 at Rank 4, then I think you can either give up Peltasta C3 or Corsair C1, from the build I recommended. But I do think that you can still make it work pretty nice without the need to re-roll or sacrifice much.

As long as you pick Fencer and Doppelsoeldner on your last 2 ranks, then you will have enough damage to cover all your needs including single target and AoE.

If you’re still at C4, it should not take you more than 2 weeks to get there again.

But I think the build is solid (the class choices, not the skill choices)

Might need that skill potion reset.

I don’t understand, why Dopel and Fencer?

A peltatsta C3 without Swashbuckling 15?
I think I threw up a little.
That’s the skill you’re coveted for and you’re basically dumping on it trivially despite the fact that Swash 15 makes you one of the most desired classes in the game so you can be less desirable.

Fencer because it is a good self-reliable class when it comes to damage. As it has Flanconnade with 0 cooldown and the other skills have relatively low cooldowns as well. It is going to give you a reliable source of damage that, while it won’t be as high as other builds out there, will cover your needs for the rest of the game.

There is also synergy with Lunge and Attaque Coquille which will increase the damage output of your other skills. In this case Pierce, Stabbing and Langort get buffed by Coquille, while Flanconnade and Butterfly get buffed by Lunge.

Even though you already have Hoplite to use spears, I think that losing it for rapier isn’t that bad of a trade considering the amount of damage skills you are acquiring with just a minimal amount of ranks (just 1 circle of Fencer).

If you wanted to acquire more damage skills through the use of a spear, you wouldn’t be able to do it unless you take Dragoon at Rank 7. But I still think that trading spear for rapier+more skills is the better option.

On the other hand, since you already covered your damage skill needs with Fencer, all that is left is to increase their damage (Deeds of Valor) and make a great use of your higher level of Swash Buckling with the best AoE skill in the entire Swordsman tree: Cyclone.

That pretty much rounds up your build with utility, sustained DPS and AoE DPS. Even though you won’t be able to get Corsair, I think it is still a pretty viable way to get the most out of your Peltasta C3 (if you decide to go after it).

Yeah, I’ll be getting a skill reset potion sometime to fix that. I now hope to end up with [Umbo Blow], [Swashbuckling], [Umbo Thrust] and [Butterfly] maxed with 1 point in everything else except [High Guard].

My suggestion:

Sword1 -> Pelta 2 -> Hop 2 -> Fencer 2

This is a boss killing Fencer build variant (core is Hop 2 and Fencer 2, rest is preference). You start with a Spear to Spear Lunge to apply the piercing debuff, then swap to Rapier and do your highest damage piercing skills. Swap back to Spear to reapply Spear Lunge when its off CD.

Edit: Actually, Pelta 3 -> Hop2 -> Dragoon/Shinobi shouldn’t be a terrible build. Its behind Hop3 -> Doppel for sure, but it should be respectable damage wise as long as you didn’t build full Con. The core of a Hoplite build is Finestra and Spear Lunge, and you can still get that and a rank 7 class.

Wouldn’t you be wasting points in Umbo Blow as it will pale in comparison to other attack skills? But yeah, what else is there, right? Langort?

Langort or Shield Lob… lol plus it’s not so hard to block enemies with the manual block and peltasta attributes so it’s easy to get the bonus damage on Umbo Blow

Dat High Guard Buff tough. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: